It came on to rain soon after midnight.
中文: 午夜之后不久就开始下雨了。 更详细进入...
Now 20 years later, Gabriel begins a twisted mission of finding vulnerable victims to kill, while believing it's all in the name of God.
中文: 20年过后的现在,加布里埃尔开始了一项疯狂的行动,以上帝的名义,残杀易于下手的受害者。 更详细进入...
Thus,i begun to speed up my bicycle.
中文: 于是自行车开始加速. 更详细进入...
I had already got home before it began to snow.
中文: 开始下雪之前,我已经到家了。 更详细进入...
And where will humankind end and machine-kind begin?
中文: 人类的终结和机械化的开始将起始于哪里? 更详细进入...
The trip started in Indianapolis with a Nike camp.
中文: 美国之行是从位于印第安纳波利斯的耐克训练营开始的。 更详细进入...
Sensorium: Superhuman powers of sensation, from the perception of auras to clairvoyant observations of distant places and people.
中文: 感术:超凡的感知之法,如感知灵气和千里眼等。 更详细进入...
Is $1,000 sufficient for your expenses?
中文: 一千美元足够你的花费吗? 更详细进入...
O troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.
中文: 世界上一队小小的流浪者啊,在我的字里行间留下你们的足迹吧! 更详细进入...
Mourinho has been good for Chelsea and good for the game. Starting next season without him is unthinkable.
中文: 对于切尔西,对于足球运动,穆里尼奥已经十分出色了。没有穆里尼奥的下赛季简直就是无法想象的。 更详细进入...
As far as morphological strcuture is concerned, feet may be functionally categorized into many types on the basis of arch height.
中文: 本研究主要目的在探讨足弓形态与下肢伤害之相关性,以108位大专男性学生为受试者,进行简单之足围测量及下肢各部位疼痛、伤害之问卷调查。 更详细进入...
He had hardly reached there, when it began to snow.
中文: 他恰好到达那里,就开始下雪了。 更详细进入...
I had hardly reached there when it began to rain.
中文: 我恰好到达那里就开始下雨了。 更详细进入...
Following this will be the $500,000 Macau Race Horse Owners Association Bowl in Race 5, a rating 79-56 race over 1,500M.
中文: 紧接于第五场举行之「澳门马主协会碗」奖金五十万元,由评分79-56之马匹竞逐一千五百米。 更详细进入...
In this sense, the universe is self-contained.
中文: 在此意义之下,宇宙是自给自足的。 更详细进入...
The terrain was far different from the flat lands of the North China Plain.
中文: 这里有江西的丘陵,十五年前共军就是从此地开始著名的二万五千里长征的。 更详细进入...
He has soccer practice every afternoon.
中文: 他每天下午都进行足球训练。 更详细进入...
Multi-thousand miles long, West-East Gas Pipeline passes through ten provinces &cities of China like a huge steel dragon.
中文: 西气东输管道穿越十省市,横贯八千里,宛如一条钢铁巨龙,行走于神州大地。 更详细进入...
He could not find a downside to going on the trip.
中文: 他找不到这趟旅行的不足之处。 更详细进入...
The new rule is applicable from next Monday .
中文: 新规定下星期一开始实行。 更详细进入...