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The trip started in Indianapolis with a Nike camp.

The trip allows tourists to enjoy the sight of mangrove swamps and species of birds. 坐船途中,游客们也可观赏到天然的红树林区及各飞禽类。
The trip from Germany to Japan brings up some unexpected quests they have to manage. 这趟从德国到日本的旅程带给他们两兄弟意想不到的收获。
The trip is fraught with many technical challenges, many of which are outranked by the question of keeping the crew healthy and sane. 旅行中充满了许多技术挑战,其中许多都不如如何让船员保持身心健康这个问题重要性更高。
The trip of course will add to our store of information. 这次旅行当然会增加我们的见闻。
The trip signalled his determination to secure the mineral and energy resources his country needs. 此次访问表明了他获取中国所需的矿产和能源资源的决心。
The trip started in Indianapolis with a Nike camp. 美国之行是从位于印第安纳波利斯的耐克训练营开始的。
The trip to see their daughter over the long weekend had eaten what was left of their checking, with gas and giving her extra money. 周末去看女儿,吃饭,油钱加上给女儿的零花,已经用掉了他们存折上剩下的最后的钱。
The trip to the show had a very special goal, i.e., to meet with experts and collectors in order to seek information on nurseries who sell scions for grafting. 此行有个特别的目的,就是跟专家和蒐藏家见面,以寻求销售嫁接接穗花场的资讯.
The trip took six hours and with sections of Germany's autobahns still without speed limits, Speed was able to safely push his Maserati Gran Sport to its 160 mph (260 kph) plus top speed. 旅途花了六个小时的时间,由于德国高速公路的部分路段还没有速度限制,斯毕德可以安全地让玛莎拉蒂-格兰运动车的时速达到最高速度以上160英里(260公里/时)。
The trip took them through downtown Philadelphia and Newark and, when the man finally ended up where he wanted to be, the fare was over $500. 这趟旅程让他穿越了费城和纽瓦克,而当这位先生终于到达他想去的地方时,车费已经超过500美元。
The trip typically involves travel to distant webs and an extended courtship ritual. 整个过程包括走到远处的蜘蛛网和长时间的求婚仪式。

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