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In this sense, the universe is self-contained.

In this sense, the Chicxulub crater is the crucible of human evolution. 从这个角度来说,奇虚乐陨石撞击事件可说是人类演化的推手。
In this sense, the affirmation of the presence of the phallus is tied to the possibility of its absence. 就这个意义来说,阳具存在的肯定与缺乏的可能性密切相关。
In this sense, the experience of seeking a worthy person in the story of Three Visits to the Hut in the ancient novel The Historical Novel of Three Kingdoms is quite similar to the emotional imbroglio in the book The Unofficial Life History of Li Shishi i 在此意义上,《三国演义》“三顾茅庐”的求贤经历与《李师师外传》中道君皇帝和李师师的感情纠葛,在深层观念与故事结构上都极具相似性。
In this sense, the fundemental code of Chinese culture is in the Chinese poetics. 从这个意义上说,中国文化的根本秘密正在于中国诗学之中。
In this sense, the role of teacher education as the matrix of education cannot be overestimated. 教师教育作为教育事业的工作母机,其重要作用毋庸置疑。
In this sense, the universe is self-contained. 在此意义之下,宇宙是自给自足的。
In this sentence the verb is in the subjunctive mood. 在这个句子里,动词用的是假设语气。
In this sentence the verb is understood. 在这个句子里,动词省略了。
In this sentence the writer uses an illegitimate construction. 作者在这个句子中用了不符合语法的结构。
In this sequel of sorts, Mo-wan is back, much transformed, having given up the Don Quixote of illusory ideals for the Don Juan of immediate gratification. 在这部有点像续集的作品中,周慕云再次出现,物是人非,他不再像唐吉诃德那样沉溺在虚幻中的美好,而是唐璜似的沾花惹草处处留情。
In this seraphical apparition, Christ, who appeared under that form to St Francis, spoke to him certain high and secret things, which in his lifetime he would never reveal to any person, but after his death he made them known to one of the brethren, and t 在天使的幻影中,耶稣向圣方济各显现了,告诉他一些高尚而神秘的事务,方济各活着的时候没有告诉任何人,但是在他死前,他告诉了一个修士,他是这样说的:“耶稣说:你知道我对你做了什么么?

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