The Gunners' managing director Keith Edelman yesterday announced record pre-tax profits of £36.2million for the financial year, a rise of 43 per cent.
中文: 枪手的常务执行董事希尔伍德昨天(8月31日)公布了上一个财政年度创记录的税前利润3620万英镑,比上个年度增长了43%. 更详细进入...
1975 is the year when I was born.
中文: 1975年是我出生的那一年。 更详细进入...
Nonetheless, I ended up staying on each year.
中文: 故一再〝软硬兼施〞的安抚,令我不由一年又一年的留了下来。 更详细进入...
Opec's annual statistical bulletin also showed that the number of rigs in operation within the 11-member cartel rose 18.8 per cent last year after dropping by almost 6 per cent a year earlier.
中文: 该组织年度统计公报也显示,去年欧佩克11个会员国运营的钻井平台数增加了18.8%,而一年前几乎下降了6%。 更详细进入...
A: One trait that happening young rock bands share is their badattitude.
中文: 那些时髦的年轻摇滚乐团有一个共通的特质就是他们「很屌」的态度。 更详细进入...
We have annual member golf competitions scheduled for the last quarter of this year, including the “ Trustees ’ Cup ” , “ Club Championship ” and the “ Shenzhen/Ressel Fok Trophies ” .
中文: “理事杯”、“俱乐部锦标赛”及“深圳杯/霍伟汉杯”将在本年度最后一季举行。 更详细进入...
After a series of serious and atwitter arrangements,once-a-year general meeting undrew in Dongguan information issuance hall on Oct.16th.
中文: 经过一系列认真的而紧张的筹备与策划,一年一度的会员大会在十月十六日晚在东馆信息发布厅拉开帷幕。 更详细进入...
April Fool's Day is the only day of the year when you can play tricks on people and needn't worry about them getting angry!
中文: 4月1日,一年中一个既特别又让人胆战心惊的节日,不知这一天会有多少神经细胞因劳神过度而含冤死去。 更详细进入...
From 711 to the early 1462 the Rock was mainly under Moorish control.
中文: 西元七一一年到一四六二年初期,直布罗陀一直是摩尔人的势力範围。 更详细进入...
It increased by 16 billion US dollars last year.
中文: 去年一年,新增160亿美元。 更详细进入...
They did experiments year after year.
中文: 他们年复一年地作实验. 更详细进入...
First quarter earnings results provided the catalyst for UK equities to push back towards their six-year highs.
中文: 一季度盈利数据为英国股市重新回到六年来的高点提供了催化剂。 更详细进入...
The Chinese modern literary criticism has two big dimensions: one is the social utility dimension, the other is the esthetic dimension.
中文: 摘要中国现代文学批评有两大维度,一是社会功利维度,一是审美维度。 更详细进入...
Emerging economies as a group have been growing faster than developed economies for several decades.
中文: 新兴经济体作为一个整体,其增长速度快于发达国家已有几十年了。 更详细进入...
Truth is, I don't think the NBA can really claim to have a Rookie of the Year race at the minute.
中文: 事实上,我不认为NBA能真正声称在此刻有一场年度最佳新秀的角逐。 更详细进入...
It's a boom year this year.
中文: 今年是繁荣昌盛的一年。 更详细进入...
Another season in the Reserves promised nothing more than stagnation and the suffocation of an obvious talent, while the step up to Sir Alex Ferguson's first team may have been too soon.
中文: 这样一名有才华的年轻人不能只在预备队碌碌无为的度过一个又一个赛季而通往福格森的一线队的道路却遥遥无期。 更详细进入...
Next step was to ascend the last pass of the day -- a match for the first pass in terms of length and incline.
中文: 下一步就是越过今天最后一个山隘——在长度和坡度上可与第一个相比。 更详细进入...
Another measure of the efficiency of investment is the incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR): the investment needed to generate an additional unit of output, measured as annual investment divided by the annual increase in GDP.
中文: 对投资效率的另一种衡量是投资产出增量比:即每增加一单位产出所需的资本量,以用年度投资额除以GDP的年增量来计算。 更详细进入...
Between 1775 and 1781, the war was financed by the issue of paper money in amounts great enough to result in a galloping inflation7 --- the only one ever experienced in America except in the Confederate South.
中文: 1775年至1781年间,战争开支是通过发行纸币支撑的,其数量之大足以引起极度通货膨胀,这是美国(南部联盟除外)惟一的一次。 更详细进入...