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A: One trait that happening young rock bands share is their badattitude.

A: One Toothbrush, one cup, and one or two spare set of clothes. 答:一支牙刷,一个杯子和一或两套的换洗衣物。
A: One day, I am going to be president. 总有一天,我会做总统的。
A: One grant per Rotary year. 答:每个扶轮年度一个奖助金。
A: One hundred dollars for a shirt? That's out of my price range. 那件衬衫要美金100元?超出我的预算了。
A: One more question, what time have I got to check in here? 还有一个问题,我什么时候办理登机手续?
A: One trait that happening young rock bands share is their badattitude. 那些时髦的年轻摇滚乐团有一个共通的特质就是他们「很屌」的态度。
A: One, but 200 had to apply for the job. 一个,但是有200个来申请这个工作。
A: One. But for the message of hope to continue to go forth, send in your donation today. 回答:1位。“但为了使这个盼望的信息继续被传扬,请今天就把你的捐助寄来。”
A: Online chatters aren't always so harmless. 网上聊天者并不都是正人君子。
A: Only your birthday suit is allowed to enter this place. 只有光着身子才准进入这个地方。
A: Operator, can I help you? 我是接线生,我能为你效劳吗?

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