1974 Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in round 8 at Kinchasa in Zaire, to regain the world heavy-weight title.
在扎伊尔举行的拳击比赛中,穆罕默德·阿里在第八字回合中击倒乔治·福尔曼,再次获得世界重量级拳击冠军。 |
1974 The Arab oil embargo against the U.S. was officially lifted following Sec. Of State Henry Kissinger´s efforts to mediate between Egypt and Israel.
因美国国务卿亨利·基辛格尽力斡旋于埃及和以色利之间,阿拉伯国家正式解除对美国的石油禁运。 |
1974 The Arab oil embargo against the U.S. was officially lifted following Sec. Of State Henry Kissinger′s efforts to mediate between Egypt and Israel.
因美国国务卿亨利·基辛格尽力斡旋于埃及和以色利之间,阿拉伯国家正式解除对美国的石油禁运。 |
1975 Angola Gained independence from Portugal.
安哥拉摆脱葡萄牙统治而独立。 |
1975 The United States withdrew form Taiwan its last fighter plane, which had stationed there.
美国撤走驻扎在台湾的最后一架战斗机。 |
1975 is the year when I was born.
1975年是我出生的那一年。 |
1975 start manufacture &sale of LiBr absorption chiller utilizing gas.
1975年开始生产和销售蒸汽型溴化锂吸收式制冷机。 |
1975 start manufacture &sale of saving energy 20% LiBr absorption chiller.
1975年开始生产和销售节能20%溴化锂吸收式制冷机。 |
1976 Concorde airliner entered supersonic service with simultaneous take-offs from London to Bahrain and Paris to Rio de Janeiro.
协和超音速班机投入使用,从伦敦至巴林和从巴黎至里约热内卢的飞机同时起飞。 |
1976 Paul Robeson, American Negro bass baritone singer ,died in Philadelphia.
美国黑人男低音歌唱家保罗·罗伯逊逝世于费城。 |
1976 The Constitution of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity was signed in Bangkok, Thailand.
《亚洲太平洋地区组织章程》在泰国曼谷签订。 |