Betty:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.
贝蒂:喂,业务部,我是贝蒂_菲尔兹。 |
Betty:Yes, how may I help you?
贝蒂:好的,我能为你效劳吗? |
Betty:“Well, that's part of mine.
哦,这是对我的那部分惩罚。 |
Between 1000 B.C. and 1000 A.D. various treatises on mathematics were authored by Indian mathematicians in which were set forth for the first time, the concept of zero, the techniques of algebra and algorithm, square root and cube root.
在公元前1000年至公元1000年之间,由印度数学家所写的各种数学论文首次阐明了出来,零的概念,代数和运算法则的技巧,平方根与立方根都阐明了出来。 |
Between 1539 and 1078 B.C. practically all pharaohs were buried in the Valley of the Kings.
公元前1539年至1078年之间的法老都埋葬在帝王谷里。 |
Between 1775 and 1781, the war was financed by the issue of paper money in amounts great enough to result in a galloping inflation7 --- the only one ever experienced in America except in the Confederate South.
1775年至1781年间,战争开支是通过发行纸币支撑的,其数量之大足以引起极度通货膨胀,这是美国(南部联盟除外)惟一的一次。 |
Between 1814 and 1834, New Orleans steamboat arrivals increased from 20 to 1,200 a year.
在1814年到1834年之间,到达纽奥良的蒸汽船班次从一年20班次增加到1200班次。 |
Between 1850 and 1910 the bison population is thought to have fallen from 60 million to just a few hundred.
在1858年自1910年之间,野牛的数量被认为从6千万下降到只有几百头了。 |
Between 1910 and 1914, his club won four American League pennants and three World Series.
在1910至1914年之间,他的球队共赢得了四次美国联盟冠军,更赢得了三次世界冠军。 |
Between 1940 and 1980 in the United States, for example, per-acre yields of corn tripled, those of wheat and soybeans doubled, and farm output per hour of farm work increased almost 10 fold as capital was substituted for labour.
例如,美国在1940~1980期间玉米的亩产量增加了2倍,小麦和大豆增加了1倍;换算为现金计算,每工时的农业产量增加了近9倍。 |
Between 1940 and 1980 in the United States, for example, per-acre yields of corn tripled, those of wheat and soybeans doubled, and farm output per hour of farm work increased almost 10 fold as capital was substituted for labour.
「译文」例如,美国在1940~1980期间玉米的亩产量增加了2倍,小麦和大豆增加了1倍;换算为现金计算,每工时的农业产量增加了近9倍。 |