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    They thereby justify (to themselves) the mistreatment of free thinkers who question their crimes using the technologies listed over the pagc.

    中文: 他们接着证明了(对他们自己)虐待自由思想者,那些质询他们用列举在这页面的技术犯罪。 更详细进入...
    Out of each hundred; per hundred.

    中文: 百分之出于每一百;每一百 更详细进入...
    The return of the waste is made with the agreement of the Ministry of Environment of Japan on the understanding that the waste import in question was in violation of the Waste Disposal Ordinance in Hong Kong.

    中文: 基于了解到有关的废物入口是违反《废物处置条例》,日本环境省是同意今次的遣返废物行动。 更详细进入...
    Although the reform of the general supermarkets was given up halfway due to the bubble economy, now it has been recovered for its revival.

    中文: 但是,泡沫经济使得综合超市的改革半途而废,今天,综合超市又重新举起改革的旗帜,勾划自身的复兴大计。 更详细进入...
    It is the organiser of the highly successful Livestock Asia and is a market leader in telecom/IT, water & wastewater, security and security, electricity/power events.

    中文: 它已非常成功地举办了亚洲畜牧养殖展,特别是电信/IT、水和废水、证券、电力/能量等展览会已有一定的影响。 更详细进入...
    But with a general election due early next year, recent polls give the Socialists a renewed lead of 3.5-6.5 percentage points.

    中文: 但是,最近民调显示,有关明年即将举行的大选,工人社会党有3.5-6.5个百分点的新优势。 更详细进入...
    Through more than two hundred years' evolution, the Electoral College operates quite differently from how the founders envisaged it.

    中文: 经过二百多年的演变和发展,总统选举人团制度的内容和运行方式发生了诸多变化。 更详细进入...
    Gal. 3:17 And I say this: A covenant previously ratified by God, the law, having come four hundred and thirty years after, does not annul so as to make the promise of none effect.

    中文: 加三17而且我这样说,神预先所立定的约,不能被那四百三十年以后才有的律法废掉,以致使应许失效。 更详细进入...
    Acts 28:7 Now in the vicinity of that place were the lands of the leading man of the island, named Publius, who welcomed us and gave us hospitality three days in a friendly way.

    中文: 徒二八7那地附近有些田产是岛长的,这人名叫部百流,他接纳我们,亲切地款待了三天。 更详细进入...
    EXAMPLE: Last night's popular music concert in the capital was a lollapalooza,featuring more than one hundred famous musicians from all over the world.

    中文: 昨晚在首都举行的流行音乐会非常棒,有来自世界各地的一百多位著名音乐家表演。 更详细进入...
    I'm wasting away!

    中文: 我现在日渐颓废! 更详细进入...
    That’s a bunch of hogwash.

    中文: 那全是一堆废话。 更详细进入...
    The house was in ruins.

    中文: 这房屋成了废墟。 更详细进入...
    The tower stood amidst the ruins.

    中文: 塔矗立在废墟中。 更详细进入...
    SH: In the mornings I do squats, power snatch or clean + jerk, presses, and abs.

    中文: 早上我做深蹲,抓举或挺举,推举,腹肌。 更详细进入...
    Construct and operate a grease trap waste treatment facility (GTWTF) within West Kowloon Transfer station.

    中文: 于西九龙废物转运站兴建及运作隔油池废物处理设施。 更详细进入...
    Organic waste solutions (dye, chloroform, etc.) should be poured into the Organic Waste Solutionbottle instead of the sink.

    中文: 有机废液应倒入有机废液瓶中收集,不可倾倒于水槽内。 更详细进入...
    A: Look! So many handicapped people.

    中文: 看,那么多残废人。 更详细进入...
    You’re a jerk!

    中文: 你是个废物/混球! 更详细进入...
    Five years ago: By a vote of 50.6 percent to 49.4, Federalists prevailed over separatists in Quebec in a secession referendum.

    中文: 五年前,在加拿大魁北克,就是否独立举行公民投票,结果联邦制拥护者获胜,百分之50.6民众不赞成独立,另外百分之49.4民众投赞成票. 更详细进入...

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