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But with a general election due early next year, recent polls give the Socialists a renewed lead of 3.5-6.5 percentage points.

But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 20虚浮的人哪,你愿意知道没有行为的信心是死的吗。
But with IP telephony, some form of wireless communication or wider deployment of mobile phones may be necessary. 但使用IP电话时,有些无线通讯方式或更广范围内的移动电话的使用都很必要。
But with January quickly disappearing, it's time for our midseason awards. 不过,转眼现在一月就见底了,是时候来个赛季中期评估了。
But with Russia and America sharing the lead this time, China was an early recruit (it refused to join PSI). 但这一次由俄罗斯和美国共同领导,中国也是一个早期会员国(它拒绝加入PSI)。
But with Sister Ethel's tireless work and community support, the Missionvale Care Center has expanded. 但是自从有了伊莎尔修女不屈不挠的服务及社区支持之后,布道谷保健中心已经扩大。
But with a general election due early next year, recent polls give the Socialists a renewed lead of 3.5-6.5 percentage points. 但是,最近民调显示,有关明年即将举行的大选,工人社会党有3.5-6.5个百分点的新优势。
But with a head-to-head matchup against the Sixers on Sunday, the Nets are in position to make things very interesting (New Jersey would own the tiebreaker edge over Philly in case of a tie). 但是周日网队会和76人直接会面,这让东部争打末班车看上去很有意思(如果网队获胜的话将超越76人)。
But with all the worthy causes in the world, why did he choose artificial intelligence? 但是,世界上有那么多值得为之投入的事情,为什么他会选择人工智能呢?
But with an ageing and shrinking population this would not be enough to plug the budget deficit and bring down Japan's scary levels of national debt. 但随着日本人口减少且逐渐进入老龄化社会,这些新收入不足以填补预算赤字,也不能减少其数额惊人的国债。
But with an automated work management system, either approach can be used. 但是使用自动化工作管理系统时,这两种方法都可能被运用。
But with an overflowing flood He will make a complete end of its site, And will pursue His enemies into darkness. 鸿1:8但他必以涨溢的洪水淹没尼尼微、又驱逐仇敌进入黑暗。

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