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Although the reform of the general supermarkets was given up halfway due to the bubble economy, now it has been recovered for its revival.

Although the quality of these predictions is debatable, their impact is clearer. 尽管这些预测的质量是可争论的,它们的影响是清楚的。
Although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles. 虽然暴雨无情地倾盆而下,迫使所有的户外劳作停止,但土地的主人会仰天微笑。
Although the rainforest is disappearing at a frightening rate, a documentary crew are on hand to deliver some stunning footage of the landscape. 尽管热带雨林正以惊人的速度消失,但是我们的记录片人员准备用胶片记录下这迷人的景色。
Although the rainy season is still yet to come,I want to hold an umbrella to wait for you in the road ahead. 虽然雨季还没到来,却想支开一把伞,立在前面的路径等你。
Although the recession has reached every corner of the planet,the impact is uneven. 尽管经济衰退已经波及到了世界的每个角落,但各自的冲击还是不一样的。
Although the reform of the general supermarkets was given up halfway due to the bubble economy, now it has been recovered for its revival. 但是,泡沫经济使得综合超市的改革半途而废,今天,综合超市又重新举起改革的旗帜,勾划自身的复兴大计。
Although the region faces serious environmental problems, rapidly growing Asian Tigersare likely to reemerge, giving Southeast Asia the best chance of any developing region for a hopeful future. 虽然该地区正面临着严重的环境问题,亚洲四小龙仍将重新崛起,使东南亚获得任何发展中地区所需的最佳机会,迎来充满希望的未来。
Although the relationship between the club and the player is not great, President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has stated that the outfit would do all it could to keep the former Monaco man in town. 尽管俱乐部和球员间关系不是很理想,但是吉利成球队将尽一切努力是这位前摩纳哥球员留在队中.
Although the repeated portrayals of perfect families in British children's literature have been purposefully erasing this reality, within perfect families power structure still exists. 尽管英国儿童文学中不断重复的关于完美家庭的描写刻意消解这一现实,但在完美家庭中权力架构仍然存在。
Although the repetition might cause some to read over it, as every month I am asking for questions, ideas, comments and mails about interesting projects. 虽然这一再的重复也许会使得一些读者跳过这里,但每个月我还是请求各位寄来有关各种工程的问题、想法、意见和邮件。
Although the researchers could not prove that these shifts are caused by hormonal changes, they are certainly correlated with them. 尽管研究者还不能证明这些变化来源于激素的变化,但无疑这与激素的变化一定是息息相关的。

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