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EXAMPLE: Last night's popular music concert in the capital was a lollapalooza,featuring more than one hundred famous musicians from all over the world.

EXAMPLE: While we also looked for new product ideas internally, our firm regularly received some excellent over-the-transom concepts from independent developers. 我们在内部寻求新产品理念的同时,我们的公司还经常从独立的公司那里收到一些不请自来的优秀设计概念。
EXAMPLE:In the company's employee manual a thick black line is used to underscore the most important rules. 在这份公司雇员手册中,下面画有粗黑线的地方,表示是最重要的规定。
EXAMPLE: By federal law as well as ethical standards,members of the U.S. Congress cannot receive emolument from the manner in which they vote. 根据联邦法律及道德规范,美国国会成员不能从他们的选举方式中获利。
EXAMPLE: By providing better training to our employees,and by investing in new modern equipment we cut the turnaround time for new products almost in half. 通过向员工提供更好的培训以及投资新的/现代化设备,我们将新产品的制造时间缩短了几乎一半。
EXAMPLE: In early December the experienced old stockbroker saw the handwriting on the wall and sold his securities before the stock market started to fall in January. 经验丰富的老经纪人早在12月初就预见到前景不妙,于是赶在来年1月股市开始下跌前卖掉了手里的证券。
EXAMPLE: Last night's popular music concert in the capital was a lollapalooza,featuring more than one hundred famous musicians from all over the world. 昨晚在首都举行的流行音乐会非常棒,有来自世界各地的一百多位著名音乐家表演。
EXAMPLE: The friends of the dishonest president decided to stonewall any investigations by reporters that might reveal facts about his crimes. 那位不诚实的总统的朋友们决定阻挠记者一切有可能揭露总统犯罪事实的调查。
EXAMPLE: The nervous new manager wanted to please everyone and get a promotion but he didn't do well at his job because he kept trying to be all things to all people. 新来的经理急于取悦每个人从而得到提升,但是他却无法把工作做好,因为他试图面面俱到。
EXAMPLE: The young executive had worked for four companies in the three years since he left business school,but during his interview he explained his job hopping by blaming company acquisitions,massive layoffs,andthe region's poor economic performance. 年轻的经理从商学院毕业后的三年里换了四家公司,但是在面试的时候他解释说.他之所以频繁跳槽是由于公司收购、大幅裁员以及当地经济不景气的缘故。
EXAMPLE: Whilefactorslike personal growth and affiliation can be keysto motivating employee performance,the traditional inducement of money has proved to be qoite o du rable mntivaton. 个人发展和归属感这类因素对激励员工有重要作用,但事实证明金钱的诱惑是相当持久的动力。
EXAMPLE: Within two years after the dynamic new president was hired,the old company experienced a major turnaround,doubling its sales while reducing operating costs. 精力充沛的新总裁上任两年内,公司出现了重大的转折,在削减运营成本的同时销售额增加了一倍。

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