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    Privateering20 also added to the disorder.

    中文: 私掠船巡航加剧了这一混乱局面。 更详细进入...
    The band has been on the road for almost a month.

    中文: 那乐队进行巡回演出近一个月了. 更详细进入...
    After Garibaldi's death in 1882, an official national cult did its best to sanitise the hero worship, airbrushing away the old hero's biting criticism of poor or corrupt government.

    中文: 加里波第卒于一八八二年,在他死后,一群忠于国家的信徒竭尽全力消除英雄崇拜,祛除旧有英雄留下的尖锐的贫困和政府腐败问题。 更详细进入...
    He must be eighty now.

    中文: 他现在八成有八十岁了。 更详细进入...
    Article 28 Prospecting reports on mineral deposits and other valuable exploration data shall be provided for use with compensation in accordance with the regulations of the State Council.

    中文: 第二十八条矿床勘探报告及其他有价值的勘查资料,按照国务院规定实行有偿使用。 更详细进入...
    The government planned for an eight straight year of budget deficit this year, with the poor fiscal health prompting ratings agency Standard &Poor's to put Taiwan's sovereign credit rating outlook to negative in 2004.

    中文: 今年政府规画了连续八年的预算赤字,由于财务不健全促使评等机构标准普尔公司把台湾2004年的政府信用评等展望评为负的。 更详细进入...
    Government officials held up a response for eight months, convinced that the nonexistence of race at the genome level spoke for itself.

    中文: 但政府官员相信,与种族差异无关的基因组会为自己答辩,所以迟至八个月后才回应。 更详细进入...
    Drink eight, 8-oz. glasses of water per day.

    中文: 每天喝八瓶八盎司的水。 更详细进入...
    The urban people's governments shall arrange to provide land for substation facilities, transmission line corridors, and cable channels in accordance with the planning.

    中文: 城市人民政府应当按照规划,安排变电设施用地、输电线路走廊和电缆通道。 更详细进入...
    The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges.

    中文: 娃哈哈官推荐高等法官和巡回法官。 更详细进入...
    Night after night the policeman patrols the street.

    中文: 每晚这名警察都在这条街道巡逻。 更详细进入...
    Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.

    中文: 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队 更详细进入...
    And many of them balk when presented with commercial software.

    中文: 他们中许多在商业软件前逡巡不前。 更详细进入...
    P: Romeo, quickly, Juliet has died!

    中文: 巡逻:罗密欧,你快去看看,朱丽叶死了! 更详细进入...
    Patrol boat's five-star red flag flaunting in night.

    中文: 巡逻艇上的五星红旗在夜色中飘扬。 更详细进入...
    Quite a few taxis are cruising for fares near the cinema.

    中文: 许多女孩都不知道巡航导 弹是何物. 更详细进入...
    The Jungle Cruise and Lion King Show both look good.

    中文: 丛林巡航和狮子王表演看来都不错。 更详细进入...
    They laid an ambush for the enemy patrol.

    中文: 他们埋伏起来准备伏击巡逻的敌人。 更详细进入...
    August is the eighth month in a year.

    中文: 八月是一年中的第八个月。 更详细进入...
    Authorities in Dongguan yesterday ordered a city-wide inspection following a building collapse that killed at least eight people.

    中文: 东莞市政府昨日下令检查全市楼宇。日前东莞市发生楼宇倒塌惨剧,酿成最少八人死亡。 更详细进入...

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