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Authorities in Dongguan yesterday ordered a city-wide inspection following a building collapse that killed at least eight people.

Authorities have issued a warrant for a fourth suspect. 有关当局对第四名犯罪嫌疑人发出逮捕证。
Authorities having the power to revoke or refuse a passport to any New Zealander, without giving any reason other than that national security is at stake. 如果涉及国家安全原因,当局有权不用给出任何理由废除或拒绝给予任何纽西兰公民纽西兰护照。
Authorities hunting the source of a nationwide E-coli outbreak are focusing on nine California farms after discovering what could be a crucial clue -- an opened bag of spinach left in the refrigerator of someone sickened by the bacteria. 政府当局在寻找大肠杆菌全国性大爆发的起源,他们发现了一条重要线索——在某大肠杆菌感染患者的冰箱中有一袋打开的菠菜,此后当局把焦点放在九个加州农场上。
Authorities imposed a vehicle ban until further notice. 当局禁止车辆通行,直到得到进一步的通知.
Authorities in Afghanistan say two Afghan police officers were killed Friday when their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb in the country's restive south. 阿富汗当局说,一辆警车星期五在阿富汗动荡的南部地区遭遇路边炸弹,两名警察丧生,两名警察被炸伤。
Authorities in Dongguan yesterday ordered a city-wide inspection following a building collapse that killed at least eight people. 东莞市政府昨日下令检查全市楼宇。日前东莞市发生楼宇倒塌惨剧,酿成最少八人死亡。
Authorities in Florida are not ruling out the possibility that the death toll from Friday's storms may rise. At least 20 people were killed. Four counties have been declared disaster areas. 佛罗里达当局不排除星期五风暴中的死亡人数有上升可能。至少20人死亡。4个镇已划为灾区。
Authorities in India warn residents to stay at home after new monsoon rains pound Bombay and the surrounding region. 印度的权威人士警告新一轮的强季风降雨即将来临并将袭击孟买以及周边地区,希望居民不要善自外出。
Authorities in Indian Kashmir say at least 14 people were wounded when suspected Muslim separatists detonated a grenade at a tourist resort. 印属克什米尔当局说,一名怀疑是穆斯林分离分子的人在一个旅游度假地引爆一枚榴弹,造成至少14人受伤。
Authorities in Iraq say unidentified gunmen have killed a Sunni Arab tribal chief, three of his sons and a close relative. 伊拉克当局说,身分不明的枪手打死了一名逊尼派阿拉伯部族首领以及他的三个儿子和一名关系较近的亲属。
Authorities in Kansas say they found the car of a missing 19-year-old college student. 堪萨斯州的政府官员表示,他们发现了一个失踪的19岁大学生的车。

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