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The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges.

The Longrun Tea Group dedicates itself to changing the present situation that quality of pu-erh tea is mingled and irregular, more importantly, the group has been taking it as the number one aim to produce safe, healthy and hygienic tea for the consumers. 龙润茶业集团,致力于改变当前普洱茶市场质量参次不齐,龙蛇混杂的现状,更以为消费者提供安全、健康、卫生的普洱茶品为第一目标。
The Longrun company produces a series of convenient Pu-erh tea, such as Mini-packaged Tea, esculent bag packaged Tea, instant Tea and instant tea tablets, which are convenient both for carriage and for drink. 龙润普洱推出一系列方便的普洱茶,如迷你小沱茶、可食用尼龙袋泡茶、速溶普洱茶、普洱茶速溶片等,既可随身携带,又能方便冲饮!
The Longrun tea group has established strict standard management in the five major areas: the producing area of the raw tea leaves, the quality of raw tea leaves, the production base of tea, the processing link, and the quality inspection, which enables t 龙润茶业集团,在普洱茶的原料产地、原料品质、生产基地、加工环节和质量检验五大板块均建立了严格的标准管理,层层把关,使“龙润普洱”的品牌成为“安全、健康、卫生的普洱茶”的代名词。
The Longzhaogou Group may be ascendingly divided into three formations, namely the Dongshengcun, Peide, and Yunshan Formations, and the remaining names should be regarded as synonymous with the afore mentioned three uames and should be aban doned in order 龙爪沟群自下而上可划分为三个组,组名应为东胜村组、裴德组及云山组,其他的所有名称均应被视为前三组的后出同义名,并停止使用,以免造成不应有的混乱。
The Look of a Geisha – The most famous geishas were considered to be the supermodels of their time. 探访一位艺伎——最著名的艺伎被认为最能成为当今的超级模特。
The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges. 娃哈哈官推荐高等法官和巡回法官。
The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, said new dress rules would mean the wigs, which British legal professionals have worn since the 17th century, would not be needed in civil or family court cases. 高等法院首席法官、沃斯麦特勒佛的菲利普斯勋爵说,这一新的着装规定意味着从17世纪起司法界专业人士开始戴的假发在今后的民事或家庭纠纷案件中不需要再佩戴了。
The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back. 5主耶和华开通我的耳朵,我并没有违背,也没有退后。
The Lord God has opened My ear; And I was not disobedient Nor did I turn back. 赛50:5主耶和华开通我的耳朵、我并没有违背、也没有退后。
The Lord God planted a garden eastward, in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed. 上帝在伊甸东部种植了一个乐园,就将他形成的人安置在里面。
The Lord God planted a garden in Eden. 上帝在伊甸园栽种了一片园子。

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