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Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.

Sniff and Scurry continued to wake early every day and race through the maze, always following the same route. 嗅嗅和匆匆仍旧每天都起得很早,然后沿着相同的路线跑进迷宫中。
Sniff*I love you,Daddy! 抽泣*我爱你,爸!
Sniffle. Wrinkle nose. Flare nostrils. 闻吸。皱皱鼻子,张开鼻孔。
Sniper Team: Speed increased by 20%. Health reduced by 50%. Rate of fire reduced by 50%. Re-stealth time increased by 25%. 狙击手:速度提高20%,生命减少50%,攻击速度降低50%,恢复隐形时间提高25%。
Sniper! 狙击手!
Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol. 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队
Snobbish Knob is doing his hobby in the lobby. 势利的球形门柄正在大堂里做他的嗜好。
Snobs are usually contemptuous of people they feel to be beneath them. 势利者通常瞧不起他们认为地位在他们之下的人。
Snook and police believe Riddell assumed the identity of attorney Jeffrey A. Riddell after he had left the country and deactivated his law license with the state. 斯努克与警方坚信,在那位名叫杰弗里·A·里德尔的律师离开美国并注销了其在宾夕法尼亚州的律师执照后,骗子里德尔便开始盗用这为律师的身份。
Snook and police believe Riddell assumed the identity ofattorneyJeffrey A. Riddell after he had center the country anddeactivatedhis law license with the state. 斯努克与警方坚信,在那位名叫杰弗里·A·里德尔的律师离开美国并注销了其在宾夕法尼亚州的律师执照后,骗子里德尔便开始盗用这为律师的身份。
Snookered by a lot of malarkey about family values, the public elected Bush as President. 公众由于听信布什一大堆关于家庭价值的空话而选他为总统。

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