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The Jungle Cruise and Lion King Show both look good.

The July 7 London bombings are set to wipe ?300million off Britain's turnover from foreign tourism this year and yesterday's attempted attacks will make it even worse, the industry has warned. 英国旅游业有关机构7月22日发出警告,7日发生在伦敦的连环爆炸案将会给该国旅游业造成3亿英镑的损失,而21日发生的第二轮爆炸袭击事件则令损失程度进一步加重。
The July inflation came in higher than market expectation, but stemmed mainly from a shortage ion the supply of meat and vegetables. 虽然7月的通胀程度已经超出了市场预期,但是居民消费价格指数的较高增幅主要由肉类和蔬菜类产品的供应短缺所致。
The Jump ball mispositioning by Luther Head; traveling by Rafer; lazy dribbling by TMac; and not fouling Duncan harder(preventing And1s)by the entire Rocket team. 斯通的走步,麦蒂懒散的运球,整个球队也没有对邓肯犯规再重一点避免2加1的机会。
The June conference, hosted by San Francisco University of Quito, was held on the Galápagos island of San Cristóbal, where Charles Darwin began his explorations. 这场由厄瓜多的基多圣法兰西斯科大学举办的会议,今年6月在圣克里斯托巴的加拉巴哥群岛举行,那里正是达尔文展开探索的地方。
The June was the third time integrated a fundraising promotion into the sale. In total, the three s have raised nearly $10,000 for The Conservation Alliance. 6月份的活动是第三次将募捐和推广销售结合再一起的活动.总共有三项活动已为保护联盟筹得资金近百万美元。
The Jungle Cruise and Lion King Show both look good. 丛林巡航和狮子王表演看来都不错。
The Junior Achievement Company Program teaches young people how entrepreneurship works. 青年成就中心告诉年轻人企业家是怎么工作的。
The Junior Achievement company program teaches young people how enterpernership(entrepreneurship) works. 青年成就企业计划教授青年人公司是如何运作的知识。
The Jurassic Period. 侏罗纪,侏罗系
The Jurassic formation is drilled through. 侏罗系地层已钻穿。
The Jury 's verdict of innocence cleared the accused man. 陪审团宣布无罪的裁决恢复了被控告人的清白。

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