China is a united multiracial country, formed by 56 different races.
中文: 13中国是一个统一的多民族国家,由56个民族组成。 更详细进入...
Divide-by-4/5 counter, US Patent No. 5930322, from Jul. 27, 1999 to Oct. 28, 2017.
中文: 除4/5电路,中华民国专利,发明第107136号,自民国88年8月21日起至民国106年10月1日止。 更详细进入...
Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea??
中文: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国大使馆?? 更详细进入...
The candidate for the Governor of the People's Bank of China shall be nominated by the Premier of the State Council and decided by the National People's Congress; when the National People's Congress is not in session, the Governor shall be decided by the
中文: 中国人民银行行长的人选,根据国务院总理的提名,由全国人民代表大会决定;全国人民代表大会闭会期间,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定,由中华人民共和国主席任免。 更详细进入...
Is malaria still prevalent among the populationhere?
中文: 疟疾是否仍为此地居民的多发病? 更详细进入...
England expects every man to do his duty.
中文: 祖国望每个国民恪尽职守。 更详细进入...
Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country.
中文: 外国侨民被要求离开该国。 更详细进入...
UK nationals get the vote at 18.
中文: 英国国民18岁始有选举权. 更详细进入...
Article 2 PBC is the central bank of the People's Republic of China.
中文: 第二条中国人民银行是中华人民共和国的中央银行。 更详细进入...
Article 2 The PBC is the central bank of the People's Republic of China.
中文: 第二条中国人民银行是中华人民共和国的中央银行。 更详细进入...
In other words, the balance of payments is a record of the economic transactions between the residents of one country and the rest of the world.
中文: 换言之,国际收支是一国居民与世界其他国居民经济交易的记录。 更详细进入...
The People's Bank of China is a state organ.
中文: 中国人民银行是国家机关。 更详细进入...
Citizensreferred to in the same article mean those who hold the citizenship of the People's Republic of China.
中文: 该条所称的公民,是指具有中华人民共和国国籍的人。 更详细进入...
Article 2 The People's Bank of China is the central bank of the People's Republic of China.
中文: 第二条中国人民银行是中华人民共和国的中央银行。 更详细进入...
The Chinese people are always hoping that the world is at peace and people of all nations will coexist friendlily.
中文: 中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望各国人民友好相处。 更详细进入...
He was Member of National Committee of the 7th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Delegate to the 8th National People's Congress (NPC), Member of the Ethnic Minority Committee of NPC, Member of the Standing Committee of the Nation
中文: 曾任第七届中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员、第八届全国人民代表大会代表、全国人民代表大会民族委员会委员、第九届中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会委员、中国电影乐团团长。 更详细进入...
State-owned enterprises are the pillar of the national economy.
中文: 国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱。 更详细进入...
Sima Qian cited this concept to criticize the Emperor Hanwu and his officials abusing their power to enact new economic policies to deprive the people.
中文: 司马迁意在批判汉武帝君臣滥用权力与民争利而导致“国病”不治的经济政策。 更详细进入...
Article 174 A foreign civil aircraft may enter or leave the airspace of the People's Republic of China, and operate or land in the territory of the People's Republic of China only in accordance with the air transport agreement concluded between the Govern
中文: 第一百七十四条外国民用航空器根据其国籍登记国政府与中华人民共和国政府签订的协定、协议的规定,或者经中华人民共和国国务院民用航空主管部门批准或者接受,方可飞入、飞出中华人民共和国领空和在中华人民共和国境内飞行、降落。 更详细进入...
If any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions differing from those in the civil laws of the People's Republic of China, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply, unless the provisio
中文: 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同中华人民共和国的民事法律有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定,但中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。 更详细进入...