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He was Member of National Committee of the 7th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Delegate to the 8th National People's Congress (NPC), Member of the Ethnic Minority Committee of NPC, Member of the Standing Committee of the Nation

He was German,wasn′t he? 他是德国人,不对吗?
He was Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning from 1992 to 1994 and its Associate Department Head during 1990 to 1992. 他在1990-1992年间担任都市研究与规划系副主任,在随后的两年里担任系主任。
He was John Bull in a Benedictine robe. 他是身穿贝尼蒂克教派长袍的英国人。
He was John Paul II's 20) chief theological 21) adviser for 20 years. 他担任若望保禄二世的首席神学顾问达二十年。
He was KO'd (ie knocked out) in the second round. 他在第二回合中被击倒.
He was Member of National Committee of the 7th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Delegate to the 8th National People's Congress (NPC), Member of the Ethnic Minority Committee of NPC, Member of the Standing Committee of the Nation 曾任第七届中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员、第八届全国人民代表大会代表、全国人民代表大会民族委员会委员、第九届中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会委员、中国电影乐团团长。
He was Mithras earthly representative, light of heaven embodied, the teacher of congregation which he lead, wearing a redcap and as well as a red baggy Persian trousers, carrying a staff symbol of his spiritual office. (Charles Daniels, Mithras and his te 他是密特拉神的现世代表,天空之光的具体化,他领导的集会的导师,戴着红帽子,同时也穿上红色的波斯人松垂的裤子,带着权杖,象征他的精神职责(查尔斯丹尼尔,密特拉和他围墙上的庙宇)。
He was Navy pilot Alan Shepard. 他就是海军飞行员艾伦·谢泼德。
He was Tilmans companion on most of the expeditions. 在大部分的探险中,他是提尔曼的同伴。
He was a Catholic but didn't practise (his religion). 他那时是天主教徒, 但并不实践信仰.
He was a Catholic but didn't practise (his religion). 他那时是天主教徒,但并不实践信仰.

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