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    Saul had no heart towards God.

    中文: 扫罗不全心事奉神. 更详细进入...
    No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other.

    中文: 路16:13一个仆人不能事奉两个主.不是恶这个爱那个、就是重这个轻那个.你们不能又事奉神、又事奉玛门。 更详细进入...
    When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?

    中文: 20临近坑边,哀声呼叫但以理,对但以理说,永生神的仆人但以理阿,你所常事奉的神能救你脱离狮子吗? 更详细进入...
    A: Dedication, fraternal love, mutual aid and progress.

    中文: 答:奉献、友爱、互助、进步。 更详细进入...
    For your information (ie This is sth you may wish to know), the library is on the first floor.

    中文: 谨奉告, 图书馆在二楼. 更详细进入...
    The police were called in to break up (ie stop) the fracas.

    中文: 警察奉命去制止骚乱. 更详细进入...
    The soldiers were ordered to present arms.

    中文: 士兵们奉命举枪致敬. 更详细进入...
    Now and then he would accept an invitation to a devotee's home, where other devotees would also be invited.

    中文: 他不时地接受邀请去拜访奉献者的家庭,其他奉献者也被邀请。 更详细进入...
    It is time to soften the economic pressure and negotiate a detailed promise of statehood that Mr Abbas can take to his people.

    中文: 是时候放松经济压力以及就建国承诺细节进行谈判了,这样阿巴斯先生也好带着这个承诺回去给他的国民一个交待。 更详细进入...
    We enclose herewith our detailed quotation.

    中文: 随函奉送详细报价单。 更详细进入...
    Meanwhile, Maradona has admitted that he has been a big admirer from afar of Owen's former United colleague Alan Shearer.

    中文: 同时,马拉多纳承认他也是欧文的前辈,前纽卡球星阿兰希勒的忠实崇拜者。 更详细进入...
    NATO officials are promising to set up a board of inquiry to include military, civilian and Afghan government members.

    中文: 北约官员已承诺建立一所由军人、平民和阿富汗政府成员组成的调查机构。 更详细进入...
    The salesgirl told me I looked nice in this dress, but I take her compliment with a grain of salt because I'm sure she works on commission.

    中文: 售货员小姐说我穿这件衣服特别好看,但是对她的奉承话我只信一半,因为我敢肯定她卖衣服是有佣金的。 更详细进入...
    The success made him more recognizable than most world leaders, many of whom fall over each other to curry his favor and be photographed with him.

    中文: 这一成就使他成为比大多数世界领导人还要受世人瞩目的人物,许多领导人都争先恐后地奉承他,与他合影。 更详细进入...
    The England international has been linked away from Old Trafford all summer, with Sir Alex Ferguson admitting that Smith's desire for regular first-team football has raised questions over his future.

    中文: 喜鹊主教练阿勒戴斯希望签下史密斯,整个夏天他都和离开曼联联系在一起,但阿勒代斯承认史密斯还有其他选择。 更详细进入...
    I would caution against undue optimism.

    中文: 我奉劝不要过於乐观. 更详细进入...
    They were advised not to go abroad.

    中文: 他们被奉劝不要出国。 更详细进入...
    Now therefore fear Jehovah, and serve Him in sincerity and faithfulness; and put away the gods whom your fathers served across the River and in Egypt, and serve Jehovah.

    中文: 14现在你们要敬畏耶和华,纯诚忠信的事奉祂,将你们列祖在大河那边和在埃及所事奉的神除掉,来事奉耶和华。 更详细进入...
    In fact, biological samples were carried onboard the Apollo lunar missions as part of an early incarnation of the European radiation study.

    中文: 事实上,阿波罗登月任务所承载的生物标本,即为早期欧洲辐射研究的一部份。 更详细进入...
    Lord Jesus, the great Intercessor, who findest in it all Thy glory, breathe, we pray Thee, of Thine own Spirit into our hearts—for Thy Name's sake. AMEN.

    中文: 祷告:主耶稣我们伟大的代祷者,因着代祷而得荣耀的主,求你将你自己的灵吹入我们的心内——奉主的名。阿们。 更详细进入...

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