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Meanwhile, Maradona has admitted that he has been a big admirer from afar of Owen's former United colleague Alan Shearer.

Meanwhile, Latin America overtook Asia as the largest recipient of investment from China. 同时,拉美已经取代亚洲成为我国最大的投资目的地。
Meanwhile, Lex Luthor's lust for real estate threatens to kill billions… The story loosely follows on from Superman II, with Lois Lane's memory of his true identity wiped by a kiss. 与此同时,莱克斯?卢瑟对土地的欲望威胁着数十亿人的生命安危……《超人II》中的一个吻让路易斯?莱恩忘记了超人的真实身份,而本集故事便是松散地接续此情节来展开的。
Meanwhile, Li said, domestic copper prices would tumble to some 50,000 yuan per ton on average, from 60,000 yuan. 李玉胜也预测,今年国内的铜价将从去年的每吨平均60000元下降到50000元左右。
Meanwhile, Liu finds Du's portrait while travelling. 而柳梦梅在旅途中偶然发现了杜丽娘的自画像。
Meanwhile, Lotito has admitted that contract talks with Paolo Negro and Dino Baggio are problematic. 与此同时,罗蒂托也承认在内阁罗和巴乔的合同上存在问题。
Meanwhile, Maradona has admitted that he has been a big admirer from afar of Owen's former United colleague Alan Shearer. 同时,马拉多纳承认他也是欧文的前辈,前纽卡球星阿兰希勒的忠实崇拜者。
Meanwhile, Marco Tardelli looks like he will remain on the Juventus board despite rumours suggesting that he was ready to quit. 另外,马克.塔尔德利被认为将会继续在尤文的角色,尽管媒体们认为他准备离开。
Meanwhile, Maryland Center has been assisting Chinese organizations and enterprises to participate or to visit trade shows held in Maryland and other states in the US. 同时,中心还协助中国机构和企业赴马里兰州及美国其他地区参加和观摩展会,促进了这些企业与国外同行的交流及合作,推动中国企业融入国际市场。
Meanwhile, May picks up Ah-jung and enters the same flat for a late-night tryst. 这时,梅领着阿荣来到这间公寓进行一夜情式的幽会。
Meanwhile, Melanie ScaryBrown largely disappeared from the public eye until a high-profile paternity case involving Hollywood star Eddie Murphy. 与此同时,疯狂辣妹米兰妮·布朗几乎从公众视线里消失了,直到发生了牵扯到好莱坞明星艾迪·墨菲的亲子事件才高调曝光。
Meanwhile, Member States were to make significant progre towards economic policy convergence. 同时,成员国要大力提高其经济政策的共通性。

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