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We enclose herewith our detailed quotation.

We employ you to work as opposed to just sitting. 花钱雇你来可不是让你光坐著不干活的。
We employed her as an adviser. 我们任用她为顾问。
We enclose a cheque for RMB200. 咱们附上人民币200元的支票—张。
We enclose a ~ and a plan showing required positions of radiators. 随函寄上说明散热器位置的设计图和说明书各一份。
We enclose for realization drafts as per the list at foot. 按照本函下列清单,附上应兑现的汇票。
We enclose herewith our detailed quotation. 随函奉送详细报价单。
We enclose herewith our drafts of the board resolution regarding the name change of the Company and our memo regarding our review of the relevant documents concerning the name change of the Company for your review and further action. 随函附上我方起草的关于公司名称变更的董事会决议以及我方评审公司名称变更相关文件的记录,以供你方查阅及采取进一步行动.
We enclose our indent, but must ask you to cancel any items which you can not execute by Oct. 20th. 现寄上我们的双联订单,但我们对那些到10月20日尚不能发送的货物,将要求取消定购。
We enclose our latest price list No. ... on Arts and Crafts, for which there is regular demand on your market. 随函寄上我方工艺品的最新价格单第...号,你方市场对此有经常性的需求。
We enclose our latest price list No. …on Arts and Crafts,for which ther is regular demand on your market. 随函寄上我方工艺品的最新价格单第…号,你方市场对此有经常性的需求。
We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997. 仅附上新的产品目录和价格表,.修床价格定于1997年4月11日起生效.

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