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A: Dedication, fraternal love, mutual aid and progress.

A: Creativity is not limited to the masterpiece work of art but can be found in everyday tasks such as cooking or gardening. 答案:创造力不受限于艺术的杰作,也可以在曰常事务中寻得,譬如烹饪或园艺。
A: Currently, there is no viable lead-free alloy with this liquidus temperature. For this reason, there is an exemption for alloys with high liquidus temperatures that contain greater than 85% lead. 目前,没有无铅合金能满足这样高的融点温度。为此,针对高熔点温度的合金有一个除外条例,这种合金含铅量大于85%。
A: Customer Service Department. May I help you? 顾客服务部,有什么事吗?
A: Damn! She has a big ass (=butt). (见鬼,她的屁股真肥!)
A: Darrell, how could you let Nigel sell all his shares and leave the company? You told me he would be your business partner for life. 达内尔,你怎么让奈哲尔出售所有股份而离开公司?你说过他会是你的终身生意伙伴。
A: Dedication, fraternal love, mutual aid and progress. 答:奉献、友爱、互助、进步。
A: Definitely. Here is the brochure with the floor plan included. The highlighted units on the floor plan are still available. 当然可以。这是介绍,平面图已经在里面了。标有颜色的铺位表示仍未租出。
A: Descended from the Eredar, the same ancient race as Archimonde, leader of the Burning Legion's recently thwarted invasion of Azeroth, the Draenei resisted the demonic forces that corrupted their brethren and fled their ancient homeworld, devoting thems 答:作为同样古老的种族艾瑞达的延续,由于最近被抵抗的燃烧军团领袖阿克蒙德对艾泽拉斯的入侵,德莱尼反抗了腐蚀他们同胞和迫使他们逃离古老家园的恶魔势力,并且投身去结束燃烧军团的天启远征.
A: Dick, please don't tie up the phone. I need to make a call. 迪克,请不要占着电话,我要打电话。
A: Did I hurt your feelings? (我伤害了你的感情吗?)
A: Did Monica go to the party? 莫妮卡参加了那次聚会没有?

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