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In fact, biological samples were carried onboard the Apollo lunar missions as part of an early incarnation of the European radiation study.

In fact, assessment of tumor response using either of these modalities did reach significance regardless of the cutoff point chosen. 事实上,利用任何一种方法对肿瘤反应进行评估,不管切断点如何选择,均有诊断意义。
In fact, at the Yule Ball, his jaw dropped in astonishment at Hermione's appearance (GoF 360). 事实上,在圣诞舞会上,他在赫敏出现的时候吃惊地张开了醉(〈火焰杯〉360)。
In fact, based on the expected neutralino mass and its low tendency to collide, the total mass in neutralinos almost exactly matches the inferred mass of dark matter in the universe. 事实上,从中性伴子预估的质量及它不易碰撞的倾向可得出:中性伴子的总质量与我们推算宇宙中暗物质的质量几乎完全相同。
In fact, because of its weak magnetism, the pressure case made by LC4 has distorting effect on frequency responses of the magnetic field sensors sealed in it. 因它的弱磁性,使得磁场传感器装入舱体后,整体频率响应发生了部分变异。
In fact, before the game started, the ultimate Left Coast moment occurred in the media workroom. 事实上,在比赛开始之前,在媒体工作室发生了这样一件事。
In fact, biological samples were carried onboard the Apollo lunar missions as part of an early incarnation of the European radiation study. 事实上,阿波罗登月任务所承载的生物标本,即为早期欧洲辐射研究的一部份。
In fact, both the Eurocentric approach with the personage of Hegel and Weber, and the China-centered approach representative of Frank and Pomeranz jointly indicate that the basic stand of the European view on China never disengage from the standard of the 不论是以黑格尔、韦伯等人为代表的“欧洲中心论”,还是以弗兰克、彭慕兰等人为代表的“中国中心取向”,欧洲人认识中国的基本立场其实从未脱离欧洲本位。
In fact, both were victims of unsustainable forestry. 事实上,如果森林不再,这两方都是受害者。
In fact, by doing so, it has implicitly accepted several important underlying assumptions concerning the ontological as well as espistemological nature and properties of the subject matters under investigation. 事实上,这种做法等于无形中接受了有关研究事项在本体论方面之某些重要假定。
In fact, camphor and naphthalene balls are different in nature. 事实上,樟脑和臭丸在性质上是不同的。
In fact, compared with more tangible assaults on the President's character-namely Paula Jones' pending sexual-harassment lawsuit and the federal investigation into White-Water-Words in a book can barely hurt him. 事实上,比起那些对总统人格更具体的抨击-如宝琼撕所提,正在审理中的性骚扰案和联邦着手调查的白水案-一本书的用词对他几乎不具杀伤力。

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