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The England international has been linked away from Old Trafford all summer, with Sir Alex Ferguson admitting that Smith's desire for regular first-team football has raised questions over his future.

The England head coach will be loath to go into his first competitive fixtures without one of his first-choice centre-halves, but he would be equally reluctant to get embroiled in a disagreement with Ferguson so soon after replacing Sven-Goran Eriksson. 英格兰经理将会在没有他的第一选择的中后卫的情况下出战第一场正式比赛,但是他也会对是否为在替代了爱立克森之后就和福格森爵士发生不和而犹豫。
The England international full-back was stretchered off against Blackburn on Wednesday evening, having damaged his knee when appearing to get his studs caught up in the turf. 这位英格兰的国脚后卫在周三网上与布莱克本的比赛中鞋钉陷入了草坪,因而扭伤了自己的膝盖。
The England international has been associated with a move seeing as talks over extending his present contract, which expires in 2009, have stalled. 这位英格兰的国际球员由于他09年到期的合同的续约工作陷入停滞而一度和转会联系起来。
The England international has been coy on his long-term future at Newcastle with the player believed to be keen on a return to the North West. 英格兰球星对于他在纽卡的未来很少提及,因此他被认为是愿意回归西北部。
The England international has been in discussions regarding a contract extension at Stamford Bridge and is waiting for the Premiership champions to return with an offer. 这位英格兰的国教正在就续约问题与俱乐部展开谈判,并且他正在等待英超冠军给他提供合同.
The England international has been linked away from Old Trafford all summer, with Sir Alex Ferguson admitting that Smith's desire for regular first-team football has raised questions over his future. 喜鹊主教练阿勒戴斯希望签下史密斯,整个夏天他都和离开曼联联系在一起,但阿勒代斯承认史密斯还有其他选择。
The England international joined United from Stoke City in July 2005. 英格兰国脚2005年从斯托克加入曼联。
The England international wants to ensure his team continue to do their talking on the pitch rather than verbally respond to the taunts which are aimed at knocking Chelsea off their perch. 英格兰人希望他们的队伍把精力放在保持在积分榜上的优势,而不是用语言来回应那些企图把切尔西拉下马的人的嘲讽。
The England international wants to move on from the North East club for personal reasons, in news that has reportedly alerted West Ham, Tottenham and Manchester City. 这位英格兰国脚由于个人原因想离开这座英国东北部城市,而据消息称他心仪的球队是西汉姆联,热刺和曼城。
The England international's first season at Stamford Bridge did not go according to script, as his progress was hampered by a number of niggling injuries. 这位英格兰国脚在斯坦福桥的首个赛季并没有预想的顺利,他一直困扰于一些琐碎的伤病。
The England midfielder acknowledges that the millions provided by billionaire-backer Roman Abramovich has made The Blues hugely unpopular, but insists the bad press does not faze the players. 这位英格兰中场球员承认,亿万富翁阿布所提供的数百万英镑已经使蓝军变得非常不受欢迎,但他仍坚持说,队员们并不会因为严重的压力而感到担忧。

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