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    Women love a guy who is funny and spontaneous.

    中文: 女人喜欢妙趣横生的男人。 更详细进入...
    Numerous devout men and women are kowtowing and praying.

    中文: 许多信男信女在磕头、祈祷。 更详细进入...
    Regardless men and women, only is a real person!

    中文: 无论男女,只要您正直善良! 更详细进入...
    Ridiculous ! Men wear women's clothes.

    中文: 真荒谬!男人穿女人的衣服。 更详细进入...
    Women have a higher life expectancy than men.

    中文: 女人比男人的预期寿命长. 更详细进入...
    Behind eery successful man, there is a woman. And behind eery unsuccessful man, there are two.

    中文: 每个成功男人的背后都有一个女人,每个不成功男人的背后都有两个女人。 更详细进入...
    For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.

    中文: 林前11:12因为女人原是由男人而出、男人也由女人而出.但万有都是出乎神。 更详细进入...
    Many sketches are in existence of peasants seated by the roadside and men and women at work in the fields.

    中文: 至今仍保存着许多速写,画的是坐在路旁的农民和在田里劳动的男男女女。 更详细进入...
    Men fall in love through their eyes;women fall in love through their ears.

    中文: (男人爱女人因为她看起来漂亮迷人;女人爱男人因为他说起话来体贴温柔。) 更详细进入...
    On a blind date, the boy said to the girl: Time stands still when I look into your eyes.

    中文: 男孩和女孩第一次见面,男孩对女孩说:“当我和你对视的时候,时间都静止了。” 更详细进入...
    The man-on-top, woman-on-bottom position, also called the “missionary position,” is the most traditional of all the sexual positions.

    中文: 男性在上方、女性在下方,也被称为“男上女下的姿势”,这是最传统的性交姿势。 更详细进入...
    The results were that the occurrences of white line on finger prints for Hui was 9.0 %(male:7.09%, female:0.8%) and for Han was 7.%(male:.%, female:8.9%).

    中文: 果表明:宁夏回族指纹白线出现率为:9 0 %(男:7 09%,女:0 8%); 汉族为:7 %(男: %,女:8 9%)。 更详细进入...
    This kind of relations are the quite ideal sexual relations, betweenthe men and women have the tacit understanding, simultaneously eachother remains has the space.

    中文: 此种关系是比较理想的男女关系,男女之间具有默契,同时又彼此留有空间。 更详细进入...
    A girl considered boyish or masculine in behavior or manner.

    中文: 假小子被认为行动或态度像男孩或男人的女孩 更详细进入...
    Inequality between men and women is the root cause of the right to private ownership and male social repression.

    中文: 男女不平等的根源是私有制和男权社会的压制。 更详细进入...
    Keeping abreast with man to progress hand in hand and heart to heart is the way to be a good company in man's life journey.

    中文: 与男人比翼齐飞、与男人心心相印、与男人同行的女人是男人人生中的好伴侣。 更详细进入...
    I was following my dream, journeying with the sun.

    中文: 日出即行,日落即息;痴痴地追寻着我的梦想。 更详细进入...
    Often heard that respondents feminine,You know what masculinity is a flavor,What is a feminine flavor? Masculinity is feeling brave,Feminine is tender and thoughtful.

    中文: 经常听说男人味女人味,你知道男人味是一种什么味道,女人味又是一种什么味道吗?男人味就是豁达勇敢,女人味就是温柔体贴。 更详细进入...
    I know that you had been hoping for a boy. But a girl is as good as a boy.

    中文: 我知道你一直想要一个男孩。但是男孩、女孩一样好。 更详细进入...
    The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why omen cry.

    中文: 小男孩长大成了男人,但还是想不通「女人为何而哭?」 更详细进入...

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