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This kind of relations are the quite ideal sexual relations, betweenthe men and women have the tacit understanding, simultaneously eachother remains has the space.

This kind of profit-oriented fishing can only bring about the ecological unbalance. 这种唯利是图的开发,只能导致生态失衡。
This kind of public address alert, recorded at a Tokyo university, will automatically be triggered at certain locations seconds before a big tremor is felt. 这种由东京的一所大学发明的公共预警系统,会在大地震爆发之前在一些特定地点自动启动。
This kind of radio can pick up the programmes broadcasting by BBC. 这种收音机接受BBC电台的节目比较容易。
This kind of recorder is completely portable and very light inweight. 这种录音机是便携式的,而且重量很轻。
This kind of relational semblance looked like mutually connects, infact certainly does not look like the others to see like this. 此种关系外表看来互相交汇,实际上并不象别人看到的这样。
This kind of relations are the quite ideal sexual relations, betweenthe men and women have the tacit understanding, simultaneously eachother remains has the space. 此种关系是比较理想的男女关系,男女之间具有默契,同时又彼此留有空间。
This kind of renascence may not be from theie willingness,but for some reason like emotion, hatred, or being used by the others,etc. therefore there is some helpless and sorrowful feeling in it. 这种重生,并不一定是她们自愿的,而是出于某种原因(或感情,或仇恨,或者是被别人所利用等)所以有丝无奈和悲凉在其中。”
This kind of research paradigm has guiding meaning of methodology for novel text reading. 这种研究范式对于小说文本解读具有方法论上的指导意义。
This kind of risk is coverable at a premium of xxx%. 这个险别是按。。。%的保险费率投保。
This kind of robot features good rigidity , good durability and long service life. 配合高强度铝合金结构,坚固耐用,使用寿命长。
This kind of rock is called tuff. 这里的岩质呢是凝灰岩。

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