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Men fall in love through their eyes;women fall in love through their ears.

Men especially love a bargain. 男人特别喜欢便宜货。
Men everywhere find young, 4)fertile women to be the most sexually attractive. 因为世界各地的男人都觉得年轻而有生育能力的女性最具有性吸引力。
Men examine a rare goat during a competition and auction for the best looking and rarest goats in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得最漂亮和最稀有的山羊拍卖会上,人们正在查看一只相貌奇特的山羊。
Men exist for the sake of one another. 人是为了其他人而存在。
Men fainting from fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 26人由于惧怕,并等待那将要临到天下的事,都吓昏了,因为天势都要震动。
Men fall in love through their eyes;women fall in love through their ears. (男人爱女人因为她看起来漂亮迷人;女人爱男人因为他说起话来体贴温柔。)
Men favoured nose re-shaping, eyelid reduction and correction of prominent ears. 在女性整形中,最受欢迎的项目是缩小眼睑、腹部除皱、隆鼻和隆胸。
Men feel happier knowing that their wife is having as much medical attention as possible despite the fact that what their wives actually need is some peace and the freedom to shout and scream without being made to feel self-conscious. 男人们还是为他们的妻子能够受到很好的医疗照顾而感到高兴,尽管实际上她们只是需要平静和不用被要求要自觉而可以自由的大喊大叫。
Men fought with lions in the arena of the great amphitheater at Rome. 在罗马一所大圆形剧场内的竞技场,人们与狮子搏斗。
Men generally dislike admitting that they need other people. 男人们一般讨厌承认自己需要别人。
Men given a hormone-based contraceptive, which could be available in the near future, can regain their fertility about four months after stopping the treatment, researchers said on Friday. 美国研究人员日前表示,男用激素类的避孕药物将很快得到普及,因为它不仅能起到非常有效的避孕作用,同时在停止用药后几个月,男性的生育能力将会重新恢复。

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