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The man-on-top, woman-on-bottom position, also called the “missionary position,” is the most traditional of all the sexual positions.

The man, who she said was poised to sexually assault her, tackled her to the ground, but her suntan protection allowed her to escape his grasp and make a dash for the door. 这名据她说准备要性侵她的男子,将她扑倒在地,但她的防晒保护使她得以从他的掌握中脱逃并夺门而出。
The man, who specializes in large cats, was flown to a hospital and was in critical condition, a hospital spokeswoman said. 医院女发言人称,该男子是大型猫科动物方面的专家,有关方面已用飞机把他送入医院,他的伤情很严重。
The man, you are describing is fow now. 你描述的这种人现在已经寥寥无几了.
The man-centered hypothesis is maximal principle of value in line with the materialism. 从唯物史观的基本内容和历史使命来看,以人为本是唯物史观的最高价值原则。
The man-of-steel mentality, often associated with military men and those in other high-risk occupations, can boost and speed up a guy's recovery from a serious and/or traumatic injury possibly. 男人的意志越是坚韧,一般也经常体现在军人和其他高危险职业中的男人身上,可能可以显著加速他们从严重外伤后康复的速度。
The man-on-top, woman-on-bottom position, also called the “missionary position,” is the most traditional of all the sexual positions. 男性在上方、女性在下方,也被称为“男上女下的姿势”,这是最传统的性交姿势。
The man: Chu Gang, you have showed your inferiority. You failed to accomplish your mission and lost your martial art. The disciplinary action will be taken is clear! 那人:褚刚,你办事不力,没完成任务还被废了武功,应该知道会受什麽处分!
The manage was/became /got involved in the scandal. 163那个经理卷入了丑闻事件。
The managed global frame relay service, managed international private lines service and a global Internet access service, combine to form part of the company’s one-stop-shop service, in a bid to cater for all of its customers’ global needs. 全球帧中继服务的管理、服务和管理的国际私人线路全球互联网接入服务、把一部分公司的一站式服务以图配合其所有客户的全球需求.
The management accept full responsibility for loss of goods in storage. 管理部门接受仓库中货物损失的全部责任。
The management and all employees of SNC are striving for this goal. SNC管理层人员和所有员工为此目标而奋斗。

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