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    The night before the balloting Chiang's secret police visited the known supporters of Li and advised them to switch to Sun Fo.

    中文: 在投票前夕,蒋的秘密警察登门拜访了那些出头露面支持李宗仁竞选的人,劝他们转而支持孙科。 更详细进入...
    And scientists are now beginning to recognize these telltale signs.

    中文: 科学家们现在开始对这些泄露黑洞秘密的征兆有所认识。 更详细进入...
    A Miss Lucy Gray telephoned this morning in answer to our advertisement for a junior secretary.

    中文: 一位叫露西·格雷的小姐今天早上打电话来应聘初级秘书。 更详细进入...
    The first page of the manuscript, which had previously proved illegible, revealed some of its secrets.

    中文: 原来被认为是难以解读的前几页手稿透露出它们的秘密。 更详细进入...
    A wise head makes a close mouth.

    中文: 真人不露相,露相非真人。 更详细进入...
    It leads to intimacy before acquaintance;it scatters secrets outwards,not inwards;and,most worrying of all,it is a vehicle for liars.

    中文: 它使人们还未相识就已亲近,它不能保守秘密反而扩散秘密;而最令人担心的是,它是撒谎人传播谎言的工具。 更详细进入...
    Their covert operators can now do their worst without fear of detection.

    中文: 他们秘密操纵现在能做他们的最坏的,而不怕监测。 更详细进入...
    The executive doesn t rise for his secretary or coworkers in the office.

    中文: 而高级经理则不需为秘书或者办公室同事站起来。 更详细进入...
    I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end, with nothing hidden or held back. That is why you know me not.

    中文: 我已经把我生命的终始,全部暴露在你的眼前,没有任何隐秘和保留。因此你不认识我。 更详细进入...
    Rule #24 – If you get outted, leave calmly. Do not run.

    中文: 如果你在婚礼中露馅了,平静地离开,而不是用跑! 更详细进入...
    Unlike lions or cheetahs, leopards are secretive, solitary cats.

    中文: 花豹不像狮子或印度豹,是属于较神秘而隐居的大猫。 更详细进入...
    Lulu:Why don't you put them on your credit card?

    中文: 露露:妳干嘛不用信用卡付账? 更详细进入...
    The Aussie asks with an incredulous look, Don't you have any grasshoppers in Texas?

    中文: 澳洲农民露出诧异和诡秘的神情,说道:“得克萨斯难道没有蚂蚱吗?” 更详细进入...
    Thus Felt decided to go the stealth route and expose the Nixon people through the press by being an anonymous source.

    中文: 因此费特决定用匿名的方式秘密向传媒揭露尼克松政府的丑事。 更详细进入...
    But when the clandestine meeting was made public the ensuing outcry, not least from within the Spurs dressing room, made Levy hesitate.

    中文: 但是当这次秘密会谈暴露之后,来自各方的压力让利维感到犹豫。 更详细进入...
    There are not very tall but nonetheless rugged mountains in the north, and endless miles of rocky coastline that seem mystical.

    中文: 北部的山虽不高但却崎岖不平,而绵延不绝的岩岸则展现出神秘的风情。 更详细进入...
    Let me see you grin; do not let me see you frown.

    中文: 让我看你笑逐颜开(露齿而笑),不要让我看你愁眉苦脸。 更详细进入...
    B: Love is a mysterious and a complicated force.

    中文: 爱是一种神秘而又复杂的力量。 更详细进入...
    But then results from trials in Africa and Peru proved inconsistent and disappointing.

    中文: 然而,在非洲及秘鲁进行的试验,结果却不一致且令人失望。 更详细进入...
    Life consists not in holding good cards,but in play well these you hold.

    中文: 生活的秘诀不在于掌握一手好牌,而在于把手中的牌打好. 更详细进入...

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