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Unlike lions or cheetahs, leopards are secretive, solitary cats.

Unlike in some other parts of East Asia, it is also considered bad manner to burp. 不像一些东亚国家,在西方,打嗝也被认为是一种不好的行为。
Unlike in the 1990s, a decade dominated by anaemic growth, this revival has not been snuffed out by policy errors or external shocks. 20世纪90年代这10年,日本经济增长乏力,但与那时不一样的是,这次复苏没有被政策错误或外部冲击所扼杀。
Unlike in their street to buy things they like to take a long time but saw the price, Ha-ha, is really very happy. 不像平时自己上街买东西碰到喜欢的但看了价钱都要考虑好久,呵呵,真的是很开心。
Unlike law enforcement agencies, however, piracy profiteers play by no rules, and arrests and convictions are few and far between. 然而,靠仿冒牟利的人可不像执法机关那样按牌理出牌,被捕判罪者少之又少。
Unlike law, which prescribes hard rules, culture works as a soft constraint. 与法律这种刚性约束不同的是,文化约束是柔性的。
Unlike lions or cheetahs, leopards are secretive, solitary cats. 花豹不像狮子或印度豹,是属于较神秘而隐居的大猫。
Unlike male homosexuality, lesbianism has never been illegal in Britain.This is due to Queen Victoria who, when asked to sign a bill outlawing the practice, refused to believe that such a thing could exist. 女同性恋在英国从来没有法律禁止,这一点和男同性恋有别,原因是维多利亚女王不相信女性可以相恋,不肯签署法律取缔。
Unlike manganese nodules, which are like golf balls scattered across the seabed, these deep-ocean deposits occur in small areas around extinct hydrothermal vents. 与锰结核不同,锰结核就像高尔夫球洞一样分散地分布在海底,而这些深海矿物层则在熄灭了的海底烟囱附近的小范围内存在。
Unlike many competitors' designs, the CLCsystem does not utilize internal circulation of the dirty sewage water for cooling, thereby eliminating motor overheating and premature failure caused by clogged cooling passages. 与其它竞争者的设计不同的是,“CLC”系统并不采用内部循环的污水进行冷却,因此就避免了电机过热和冷却通道被堵塞而导致的电机过早损坏。
Unlike many fad treatments, caviar is actually proven to work as a conditioning therapy. 与很多流行的护发用品不同的是,鱼子酱被证明具有护理治疗的功效。
Unlike many stars, Blanchett doesnt like talking about acting. I hate seeing acting as a business...It actually kills the 1)intangible, 2)inexplicable reasons why you do something.she says. 布兰琪不像许多明星那样喜欢谈表演,她说:「我最讨厌把表演当作公事.这样会扼杀你想做一件事情的那种难以捉摸、无法言传的理由。」

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