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B: Love is a mysterious and a complicated force.

B: Look! It's amazing. I can't wait to try it out! 看!超棒的。我等不及试试看了!
B: Look, there is a “ No Parking” sign in front of us. 你看,前面有一个“禁止停车”的指示牌。
B: Look, there's Dr. Lee now. See, I told you not to worry. 看,那不是李教授吗。我告诉过你不要担心嘛。
B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother. 洛杉矶。上我兄弟家去了。
B: Lots of different ways. I listen to my favourite music CDs in English. I usually look at an English-language newspaper most days. I try and speak a little everyday. 很多不同的方式。我听自己最喜欢的英语版的音乐CD。大多数的日子我通常要看英语报纸。我每天还努力说一点英语。
B: Love is a mysterious and a complicated force. 爱是一种神秘而又复杂的力量。
B: Love is mysterious, but I do believe in it. 爱情是很神秘,但我真的相信它。
B: Man, I don't even know what to say. He really blew me away, too. 唉,我都不知道该说什么才好。他也真是让我始料未及。
B: Mary, what happened? Wha - … take it easy. 玛丽,怎么啦?什么…别着急。
B: May I ask how to compute the Business Tax payable? 请问如何计算营业税应纳税额?
B: May I compliment you on your fine office computers? You know, were purchased quite a number of them for export to the United States. 请容我夸赞贵公司品质精良的办公电脑。你知道,我们已经购买了很多贵公司的电脑,外销到美国。

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