Frank Whitaker: I know it's wrong because it makes me feel despicable.
中文: 弗兰克·惠特克:我知道这是错误的,因为它让我有卑鄙的感觉。 更详细进入...
He did not love his uncle, who was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.
中文: 他不喜欢他的叔叔,因为他父亲正直可敬,而他叔叔卑鄙无耻。 更详细进入...
When he couldn't get what he wanted openly and honestly, he resorted to low cunning.
中文: 他用光明正大的方法得不到的东西, 就采取卑鄙的欺诈手段. 更详细进入...
He has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
中文: 完成了他份内要做的所有工作,怕死就有点儿卑鄙和不光彩了。 更详细进入...
But I have a sneaking suspicion that this will prove itself of interest to some of you.
中文: 但我有个卑鄙的质疑:这样做会向你们中的某些人证明其价值。 更详细进入...
Certain country often loses face in regard to its relations with small weak countries on account of its dirty tricks.
中文: 某个国家在与弱小国家交往中因其使用卑鄙手段而总是丢脸。 更详细进入...
How mean am I when life gives me gold and I give you silver,and yet I deem myself generous.
中文: 我是何等卑鄙,当生活给了我金,我却给了你银,还自以为很大方。 更详细进入...
Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.
中文: 数以千计的生命在突然之间被邪恶的,卑鄙的恐怖行为夺走了。 更详细进入...
Demo trators picked an abortion clinic with sig that said “back-alley” butcher.
中文: 示威者将一家流产诊所用标语牌围起来,牌子上写着“卑鄙的屠夫”。 更详细进入...
In an unsportsmanlike and provocative move,they have chosen to broadcast on the same frequency that we have been using for the past five years.
中文: 他们用卑鄙无耻的手段占用我们已经使用五年的频率进行播放。 更详细进入...
A despicable, sneaky person, especially one who betrays or informs upon associates.
中文: 鼠辈,卑鄙小人;令人生厌,狡猾的人物,特别是出卖或告发同伴的人。 更详细进入...
A despicable, sneaky person, especially one who betrays or informs upon associates.
中文: 鼠辈,卑鄙小人令人生厌,狡猾的人物,特别是出卖或告发同伴的人 更详细进入...
Demonstrators picked an abortion clinic with signs that said “back-alley” butcher.
中文: 示威者将一家流产诊所用标语牌围起来,牌子上写着“卑鄙的屠夫”。 更详细进入...
A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens.
中文: 一个特别新闻节目揭露了一家敲榨老年人的卑鄙的汽车维修店。 更详细进入...
What were you like before Awakening? A chivalrous example to all, or a cad?
中文: 你在觉醒之前是什么样的?一个绅士的典范,还是一个卑鄙下流的人? 更详细进入...
Or would you tear into the Threat with absolute bloody minded ruthless brutality fueled by abject hate and rage coupled with killing intent.
中文: 或者你会对着嗜血无情野蛮充满卑鄙仇恨狂暴杀心的威胁痛哭流涕? 更详细进入...
China does not want to antagonise the unpredictable Mr Kim; and it is keen to draw South Korea closer in the game of regional rivalries (both countries have rows with Japan over disputed islands).
中文: 中国不愿意使喜怒无常的金正日更加穷兵黩武;同时在东亚地区对抗的博弈中试图拉拢韩国(两个国家都与日本在争议岛屿问题上龌龊频繁)。 更详细进入...
I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover your handpicked friend was a creep.
中文: 我爱你所以保持沉默,让你自己去发现你用心挑选的朋友是个卑鄙小人。 更详细进入...
The universe throws down a challenge to the human spirit; in spite of his insignificance and abjection, man has taken it up.
中文: 宇宙向人类的精神丢下挑战;不管自己渺小与卑鄙,人类接受了这个挑战。 更详细进入...
That congressman did not endorse unfair play, injustice and indecency, and thus joined the issue.
中文: 该国会议员反对(政治活动)卑鄙、奸诈、不正当的行径,就此确定了辩论的基础。 更详细进入...