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That congressman did not endorse unfair play, injustice and indecency, and thus joined the issue.

That comrade writing these poems is a veteran. 写这些诗的那个同志是个老兵。
That concert last night was a blast. 昨晚的音乐会热闹极了。
That concrete building is an abomination to him. 那栋混凝土建筑对他而言是一个无法接受的事物。
That condition of these old buildings is a national disgrace. 这些老旧建筑物的条件是国家的耻辱。
That conference will be more powerful than the present House and will work as an interim constitution. 那样根据一部临时宪法召开的会议会比当前的议会更有力量。
That congressman did not endorse unfair play, injustice and indecency, and thus joined the issue. 该国会议员反对(政治活动)卑鄙、奸诈、不正当的行径,就此确定了辩论的基础。
That conjures up images of constant and relentless forward movement orchestrated with military precision. 这不禁让人眼前浮现一幅幅如军队般整齐排列、源源不断、表情严肃地向前迈进的景象。
That consciousness is everything and that all things begin with a thought.That we are responsible for our own fate,we reap what we sow,we get what we give,we pull in what we put out.I know these things for sure. 意识决定一切,一切都源于思想;我们对自己的命运负责;播种了才能收割,给予了才能得到,投入了才能获取——毫无疑问这些道理我明白。
That considerably added to our difficulties. 那大大增加了我们的困难。
That consists with our principle. 那与我们的原则相一致。
That conspirator was accused of conspiracy to murder. 那个同谋者被控参与谋杀。

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