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In an unsportsmanlike and provocative move,they have chosen to broadcast on the same frequency that we have been using for the past five years.

In an uncanny resemblance to the plot of the hit animated film Wallace &Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit,angry horticulturists in Felton, near Newcastle, have now mounted an armed guard to protect their prized cabbages and parsnips. 纽卡索市附近费顿村愤怒的园艺爱好者现在已经展开武装守卫,以保护他们分珍惜的包心菜和芜菁,整件事跟热门动画电影「酷狗宝贝之魔兔诅咒」简直是不可思议地雷同。
In an underground bunker, military advisers and command staff from around the world met to plan the attack. 在一个地下堡垒中,来自各个国家的军事顾问和参谋长共同计划这次的进攻行动。
In an unexposed light-sensitive emulsion or coating, the slow chemical change that occurs when the material is stored in an unlighted area. 中义未曝过光的感光乳剂或涂布在黑暗的环境中会产生缓慢的化学性质改变。
In an ungrounded state, it is impossible to integrate new information from one's soul, oversoul and source. 在一个不根植的状态中,你就不可能从灵魂、超灵和源头来整合新信息。
In an unimaginably vast expanse of nothingness, the sun which lights our every day is the only source of warmth and light within trillions of miles. 在无法想象的广阔无垠的未知之中,太阳是数百亿英里内每天给予我们温暖和光明的唯一的源泉。
In an unsportsmanlike and provocative move,they have chosen to broadcast on the same frequency that we have been using for the past five years. 他们用卑鄙无耻的手段占用我们已经使用五年的频率进行播放。
In an unusual congenital anomaly, his 12th ribs are missing. 奥兹有个罕见的先天异常——他没有第12对肋骨。
In an upcoming content patch (2.1.0) Warlocks will be able to use their succubus to seduce many humanoid creatures which are currently immune to charm effects. 下个补丁中,术士可以通过媚魔魅惑许多原先免疫诱惑效果的人形生物。
In an upstairs room of my city house, at midnight, I would send out through the open windows long, tortured fragments of Alwin Schroeder's 170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello to mingle with the squeals of cats. 午夜时分,我在城里住宅的楼上房间里,经常拉阿尔温.舒罗德的《大提琴基本练习曲170首》,从敞开是窗户传出长时间折磨人的练习曲片段,和猫的抗议声混在一起。
In an urban environment where there are numerous reflections, the adaptive array can receive from and transmit to a small area surrounding the phone. 在具有无数反射讯号的都会环境中,适应型阵列可针对电话周围的小区域收发讯号。
In analog TV, such multipath distortion shows up as ghosts. 在类比电视中,这种多路径失真的外在现象就是鬼影。

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