Demonstrators attacked police cordons with sticks and assorted missiles.
示威者用棍棒和样式齐全的投掷物品向警察的封锁线进攻。 |
Demonstrators attacked the police, using sticks and assorted missiles.
示威者用棍棒和各种投掷物攻击警察。 |
Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.
示威群众突破了警戒线. |
Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.
示威群众冲破了警戒线。 |
Demonstrators gathered at Chater Garden yesterday afternoon and observed a minute's silence for former premier Zhao Ziyang , who died last Monday, before marching to the Central Government Offices.
游行人士昨午在遮打花园集合,先为周一逝世的赵紫阳默哀一分钟,然后游行至政府总部。 |
Demonstrators picked an abortion clinic with signs that said “back-alley” butcher.
示威者将一家流产诊所用标语牌围起来,牌子上写着“卑鄙的屠夫”。 |
Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon.
示威群众企图突破警察的封锁线. |
Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.
用惊吓,恐怖,破坏,暗杀等手段削弱敌人,这才是未来的战争。 |
Demoralize. Foes suffer -1 penalty on some actions.
打压士气:对手在某些行动上受到-1减值。 |
Demospec(0): The bone remains that fall out of the eggs are disgusting!
弹痴:那蛋壳中还残留着骨骸,真恶心! |
Demote - Players can demote other players in the guild.
降级–该成员能够降低其他成员的工会等级。 |