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    Do you see how Ahab humbles himself before Me?

    中文: 29亚哈在我面前这样自卑,你看见了么? 更详细进入...
    I simply know him by sight.

    中文: 我从未见过里斯先生, 我只是看他面熟。 更详细进入...
    On the other hand, perhaps I'll have Dave help him.

    中文: 从另一方面来看,或许我会叫大卫帮他。 更详细进入...
    On the other hand, they thought he was serious.

    中文: 从另一方面来看,他们认为他是严肃的。 更详细进入...
    That's when pimples rear their ugly heads.

    中文: 这是你就可以看到皮肤表面粉刺的头。 更详细进入...
    The room faces west, so we get the evening sun.

    中文: 这房间面向西方,所以我们看得见夕阳。 更详细进入...
    To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

    中文: 要看一切事物的光明面,活出积极乐观。 更详细进入...
    Please feel free to take a look and see if we already have reports of the problem you encountered, or if the problem is fixed in a more recent release.

    中文: 请看看你遇到的问题是不是已经在里面了或者是这个问题已经在最新版中被解决了。 更详细进入...
    As you can see, a lot of the superfluous information isn't present.

    中文: 可以看到,这里面没有出现多余的信息。 更详细进入...
    He opened the box, disclosing the contents (to the audience).

    中文: 他打开盒子, 露出里面的东西(给观众看). 更详细进入...
    How can I view the full registration screen to register my software?

    中文: 怎样才能在注册时看到整个注册页面? 更详细进入...
    I saw a film queue in front of the cinema.

    中文: 在电影院前面我看见买电影票的队伍。 更详细进入...
    Judy: I saw him outside playing with some boys.

    中文: 朱蒂:我看到他在外面跟一些男孩子玩。 更详细进入...
    Mark: I see it. It's ahead of us over there on the left .

    中文: 马克:我看到了,在我们前面那里的左边。 更详细进入...
    She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan.

    中文: 她羞怯地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。 更详细进入...
    Snake: You seem like you were born on one of those.

    中文: 看起来你就像是在那上面出生的一样。 更详细进入...
    That is so funny on our side of the veil.

    中文: 那看在面纱这边的我们是如此的好笑。 更详细进入...
    After rubbing for a few moments, turn your cloth toward you and look to see if there is any color from your paint on the cloth.

    中文: 擦了一会儿之后,把毛巾对着你看看,是否有漆面的颜色在毛巾上。 更详细进入...
    Here, we get a proper glimpse of Wild Man.

    中文: 这就是前面从镜子里看见的那个“野人”。 更详细进入...
    I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness.

    中文: 在黑暗里我看见诡异的灯火在我前面。 更详细进入...

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