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She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan.

She glanced around the room, from somewhere inside a wall a pipe clanked - the house clearing its throat - and took out the top envelope. 她环顾了一下屋子,某个地方的墙上发出了发叮当声-是屋子在清-然后她掏出最上面的那个信封。
She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away. 她瞟了一眼睡着的孩子,然后匆匆离去。
She glanced round the room before she left. 她略微环视了一下房间才离开。
She glanced shyly at him and then lowered her eyes. 她羞怯地偷看了他一下, 随即垂下眼帘.
She glanced shyly at him and then lowered her eyes. 她羞怯地偷看了他一下,随即垂下眼帘.
She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan. 她羞怯地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。
She glanced up at the bar. Rows of bottles gleamed dully in the darkened room, reflecting the outside neon. 她瞥闪在酒吧上面。 排的瓶子在被弄暗的房间中钝地闪烁,反映外面的氖。
She glanced, sideways, at the old couple. Perhaps they would go soon. 她斜眼看了看这对老人,他们也许很快就会走的。
She glares at me if I go near her desk. 我一走近她的办公桌,她就瞪我。
She glimpsed her mother's sweat-soaked hair and bleeding lower lip, taking notice of her squirming belly and the flies that were fluttering about the room. 她看到了母亲汗湿的头发和流血的下唇,看到了母亲可怕地抽搐着的肚皮和满室飞动的苍蝇。
She glimpses something of what life ought to be about. 她开始领悟到人生应该是怎么回事.

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