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The room faces west, so we get the evening sun.

The room buzzed with excitement. 房间里发出一片兴奋的嚷嚷声。
The room can hold twenty people. 这屋子可容下20个人。
The room echoed with their happy laughter. 房间里回荡着他们的欢笑声。
The room faces east, so we get the morning sun. 我们的房间面向东,所以我们早上有阳光。
The room faces south, so we get a lot of sun. 这间房间往南,所以阳光充足。
The room faces west, so we get the evening sun. 这房间面向西方,所以我们看得见夕阳。
The room features new furniture, reference materials, 30 laptop computers, hardwood floors and tons of T-Mac memorabilia. 房间里放着新家具,参考书,30台手提电脑,还要硬木地板和大量有关麦克格雷迪的材料。
The room for the following equipments need the air-conditioning: UV-spectrophotometer, fluorescence spectrometer, GC, GC-MS, AAS, AFS, ICP, ICP-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS, Ion chromatography, Atomic fluorescence spectrometer, PCR amplification and balance. 12紫外/可见分光光度仪、荧光分光光度,气相色谱,气相色谱质谱、原子吸收,原子荧光仪、等离子发射光谱、等离子质谱、高效液相、液相色谱质谱、离子色谱、荧光光度、PCR核酸扩增仪以及天平室安装空调。
The room gradually quieted down. 屋里慢慢静了下来。
The room grew colder as the fire burnt down. 随著炉火逐渐减弱, 房间越来越冷.
The room had been thoroughly ransacked and the contents of drawers and cupboards lay in confusion on the floor. 房间已被彻底洗劫过,抽屉和橱柜里的东西都乱七八糟地摊在地板上。

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