英文: Another potential quagmire is foreign policy.
中文: 另一个潜在的困境是外交政策。
英文: I served in that quagmire and by god this Dipshit plan sucks ,plain and simple Keep these COMMIE bastards out of our business ,Clinton already gave them the ranch.
中文: 我曾在那泥沼内服役,那笨蛋计划拖住我们,明白简单的让它脱离我们的掌握,克林顿已经给了他们大农场。
英文: Or a tough war with many casualties on both sides, followed by a long and painful occupation of a devastated country, becoming an endless quagmire as Iraq defies all efforts to impose democracy and stability?
中文: 或者是一场艰苦的战争,双方死伤惨重,历经时日才能占领一个行将瓦解的国家,而由于伊拉克拒绝实行民主稳定政策的一切努力,此役将永无止境?
英文: Republicans and Democrats are racing to find some new idea to rescue America from the quagmire of Iraq.
中文: 民主与共和两党竞相献计,希望把美国拖出伊拉克的泥淖。
英文: The main reason why his presidency seems so small nowadays is that he has meandered so far off track—into the quagmire of Iraq, the corrupt marshes of big-government conservatism and the divisive temples of the theocrats.
中文: 之所以说他任内的权力被削减很多是因为他在正确处事的范围外徘徊——因为他深陷伊拉克战争的沼泽、大政府保守主义腐败的泥潭以及对于对于神学统治者的盲目崇拜。