英文: The definition of wetlands given by the Convention on Wetland(The convention on the Wetland of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat) on Wetland is as follows: Wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or arti
中文: 目前国际上公认的湿地定义是《湿地公约》做出的,即:湿地系指不问其为天然或人工、长久或暂时之沼泽地、泥炭地或水域地带,带有或静止或流动、或为淡水、半咸水或咸水水体者包括低潮时水深不超过6米的水域。
英文: Interspecific relationships of bryophytes and vascular plants in two habitats of Hani Peatland in Changbai Mountain
中文: 长白山哈泥泥炭地两种生境苔藓与维管植物种间联结
英文: Pollen Record and Forming Process of the Peatland in Late Holocene in the North Bank of the Xingkai Lake,China
中文: 中国兴凯湖北岸平原晚全新世花粉记录及泥炭沼泽形成
英文: Relationships between Distribution of 7 Bryophyte Species and Environmental Factors in Hani Peatland in Changbai Mountains
中文: 长白山哈泥泥炭地7种苔藓分布与环境关系研究
英文: The Ecological Plasticity of Drosera rotundifolia in Jinchuan Peatland of Changbai Mountains
中文: 长白山金川泥炭地圆叶茅膏菜的生态可塑性