英文: 1971 President Nixon announced the lifting of a trade embargo with the People′s Republic of China, which had existed for more than 20 years.
中文: 尼克松总统宣布解除美国对中华人民共和国长达20多年的禁运。
英文: Although President Nixon did many good things, his paranoia ruined him. He surrounded himself with some ruthless men and his administration collapsed. Nixon got what he deserved.
中文: 虽然尼克松总统做了许多好事,但是他的偏执狂害了他。他周围有很多凶残的人,他的政府也倒台了。尼克松受到了应有的一切。
英文: Although his name is almost sunonomous with scandal and deceit in his last years, Nixon gained praise as an elder statesman and is recognized for his acheivements in opening up China and calming tensions with Russia.
中文: 面对看上去几乎确定无疑的弹劾,尼克松在1974年8月8日宣布,他将于第二天辞职,并开始美国非常需要的拯救行动。
英文: Although many assume Richard Nixon was impeached, he in fact decided to resign in the face of the near certainty of both his impeachment and his conviction by the Senate.
中文: 虽然许多人以为尼克森总统也曾遭到弹劾定罪解职,但实际上,他是在接近弹劾成案及参议院审理定罪的时刻前,决定自动辞职,故并未列算弹劾成立。
英文: As the Politburo gave the go-head to Brezhnev, Nixon and Kissinger were meeting in the President's Kremlin apartment, prepared to accept a setback on SALT.
中文: 在政治局向勃列日涅夫开放绿灯时,尼克松和基辛格正在克里姆林宫的总统下榻处开会,准备承受限制战略武器会谈失败的挫折。