英文: A Serb man was so enraged at the bureaucracy blocking the import of a car he wanted to give his wife as a Women's Day present, he went to the customs depot and smashed it up with a metal bar.
中文: 一名塞尔维亚男子从国外购买了一辆轿车,准备作为“三八”节礼物赠送给自己的妻子,但由于该国海关对此车迟迟不予放行,这名男子盛怒之下竟手持一根金属棒冲入海关仓库将那辆车砸了个稀烂。
英文: A just ordered society without a bureaucracy has yet to be established.
中文: 一个公正、有秩序而没有官僚体制的社会还有待建立。
英文: As the Taoist pantheon developed, it came to mirror the imperial bureaucracy in heaven and hell.
中文: 道教万神殿发展的时候,它成为了通过天堂和地狱反映出皇帝官僚作风的一面镜子。
英文: But even as businessmen battled with bureaucracy in an effort to fulfil their hopes of doing business with a potential market of 1 billon people, Chinese leaders were growing impatient with the rate of progress in the showpiece SEZ—Shenzhen.
中文: 尽管商人们努力与拥有10亿人口的潜在市场做生意而与官僚主义作斗争,但中国领导人对于深圳----这个经济特区的典范----前进的步伐变得越来越不耐烦了。
英文: But getting the ministry's powerful and secretive bureaucracy to co-operate in the fight against disease is quite a struggle.
中文: 但要让这个掌握实权而又行事隐秘的官僚机构通力合作对抗疾病却又颇费周折。