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    From a sky of untarnished blue the sun beamed down upon Beijing.

    中文: 阳光透过万里碧空照耀着北京城。 更详细进入...
    The sky is blue, and the sea is calm.

    中文: 天空碧兰,海上风平浪静。 更详细进入...
    Not a cloud in the Rockets sky right now.

    中文: 现在火箭的天空里万里无云啊。 更详细进入...
    Thunder rumbled overhead, though the sky was cloudless and blue. Ryel, making his presence known, Armon thought, as though the vast black shadow advancing toward Lesslyn were not enough.

    中文: 空中传来轰隆隆的雷声,尽管碧空万里无云。艾蒙想,雷尔就这样明目张胆,好像这么巨大的暗影朝着勒斯林城移动还不够似的。 更详细进入...
    The clear water mirrored the blue sky.

    中文: 清澈的水面映出了碧蓝的天空。 更详细进入...
    B: I like the autumn here. The sky is blue and the air is extremely fresh.

    中文: 我喜欢这儿的秋天。碧蓝的天空,空气也如此清新。 更详细进入...
    B: I like the summer here. The sky is blue and the air is extremely fresh.

    中文: 我喜欢这儿的夏天。碧蓝的天空,空气也非常清新。 更详细进入...
    The morning dawned clear after the rain.

    中文: 雨后的清晨,天一破晓就晴空万里。 更详细进入...
    From the gentle rays of the sun in the clear blue sky above.

    中文: 从碧蓝的天空中,太阳撒下柔和的光芒。 更详细进入...
    A rocky moonlight in your arms.

    中文: 一束摇动的月光在你的碧弯里。 更详细进入...
    Emerald sea,sardius ground,jasper sky to bleach.

    中文: 翡翠之海,玛瑙的大地,漂白那碧玉色的天空。 更详细进入...
    From the blue sky an eye shall gaze upon me and summon me in silence .

    中文: 从碧空将有一只眼睛向我凝视,在默默地召唤我。 更详细进入...
    One day he looked up and saw a magnificent bird high above in the cloudless sky.

    中文: 一天,它向天空望去,看几万里无云的高空有一只硕大无比的鸟。 更详细进入...
    In the wide water, in the blue sky there is no line of a track.

    中文: 在烟波浩淼的水面,在碧蓝如洗的天空,没有一丝轨迹。 更详细进入...
    Orient Wanli will assist you for a promising future.

    中文: 东方万里,助您鹏程万里! 更详细进入...
    Bibi: Him? He thinks I'm still a virgin!

    中文: 达碧碧:他?他还以为我仍是处女呢! 更详细进入...
    California peninsula goes to south just like a arm of North American continent, from north, more than 1200 kilometer is continuous , department Er the ten thousands of this special sea inclines blue waves, take tightly in the bosom of Mexico.

    中文: 加利福尼亚半岛好像北美大陆的一条手臂,从北到南,绵延1200多公里,把科尔特斯海的万倾碧波,紧紧地揽在墨西哥的怀抱里。 更详细进入...
    Pycnogenol? restores a good blood circulation in tiny capillaries of the skin.

    中文: 碧萝芷?重建皮肤毛细血管里良好的血液循环。 更详细进入...
    Silent and cool in the morning, a cane chair, a pot of light tea, and spacious green waves, what a leisure!

    中文: 清晨的码头寂静而凉爽,一张藤椅、一壶清茶,享万顷之碧波,何等闲适。 更详细进入...
    Under cloudless skies - it has not rained in the region for five years - the wind whipped up spirals of dust.

    中文: 在万里无云的天空下---这里已经连续5年没有下雨了---阵阵秋风旋起沙尘. 更详细进入...

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