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From the gentle rays of the sun in the clear blue sky above.

From the four aspects of the processing circuit, this paper introduced the properties of the output circuit of the solid-axes photoelectric encoder and explicated the design idea, scheme and implementation. 摘要介绍了如何设计增量式光电编码器的输出信号处理电路,并从该电路设计的四个方面着手,较为详细地阐述了电路组成的构思、设计及实现过程。
From the fresh root of Eternity! 从永恒那新生的根茎中分离!
From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things, but the unfaithful have a craving for violence. 2人因口所结的果子,必享美福。奸诈人必遭强暴。
From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 16从他丰满的恩典里我们都领受了、而且恩上加恩。
From the fullness of the heart, the mouth will speak, the mind will think. 在心灵充满后,嘴巴才能说话,头脑才能思考。
From the gentle rays of the sun in the clear blue sky above. 从碧蓝的天空中,太阳撒下柔和的光芒。
From the geometric limit of light source, the paper discusses the arrangement for geometric size of non - coherent light source which affects the visibility of coherent pattern and gives the essential of the spatial coherence. 摘要从普通光源线度的几何约束出发,较详细地讨论了非相干光源线度及其干涉装置参数的设定对其干涉效果(视见度)的影响,进一步论述了空间相干性的物理本质。
From the golden-tipped fields of mid-west America to the ancient kingdoms of verdant Palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would take heed. 从美国中西部金色的田野,到巴勒斯坦嫩绿色的古老疆土,那些留心观察的人共享着同一个快乐真理。
From the graduate's point of view a stint of unpaid work boosts the curriculum vitae and helps them find out what they like. 从毕业生的观点来看,一星半点的不带薪工作,能够使他们的简历更好看,会帮助他们找到自己喜欢的工作。
From the great game in Central Asia to the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, western history has demonized eastern empires. 从中亚大博弈到1900年的八国联军,西方历史一直在妖魔化这两个东方国家。
From the great number of tangible archeological materials that have been discovered, we are convinced that Yi Trigrams is the foundation and source of Yi Jing, which is the evolution, development, sublimation and mutation of Yi Trigrams. 从出土大量的确凿的母庸置疑的文物考古资料中,令人信服地说明:数字易卦本为易经的根基和来源,易经则为数字易卦的演变、发展、升华和突变。

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