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    In April, 1999 Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Non-Ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. (the Company) was set up and the is-sued stock was renamed as Zhongjin Lingnan.

    中文: 1999年4月,深圳中金岭南有色金属股份有限公司成立,发行股票改称“中金岭南”。 更详细进入...
    The Islamic Jihad militant group says it fired rockets at the area to disrupt the Israeli election.

    中文: 伊斯兰圣战者激进组织声称,朝那个地区发射火箭是为了扰乱以色列的选举。 更详细进入...
    1 We are not mind readers and we never will be. Our lack of mind reading ability is not proof of how little we care about you.

    中文: 第一条:我们不是你们肚子的蛔虫。永远都不是。我们不善于揣摩你们的心思,这并不能证明我们对你们不够关心。 更详细进入...
    The scientific name of a taxon at any rank above the species group consists of one name; that of a species, two names (a binomen); and that of a subspecies, three names (a trinomen) [Arts. 4 and 5].

    中文: 在种群以上的任何分类层级,其学名由一个名称构成;一个种的名称,由两个名称构成(二名式名称);一个亚种的名称,由三个名称构成(三名式名称)[第4条和第5条]。 更详细进入...
    David said to Abigail, Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me.

    中文: 32大卫对亚比该说,耶和华以色列的神是应当称颂的,因为他今日使你来迎接我。 更详细进入...
    Driving devices adopt inverter for adjustable speed, high automation, small floor space, without boiler.

    中文: 驱动采用变频调速,自动化程度高,占地面积小,无须锅炉,称为绝色环保生产设备。 更详细进入...
    Error diffusion, or dithering, is a way of avoiding aliasing due to a cut-down palette size.

    中文: 抖动:错误扩散或者称为抖动,是一种防止调色板缩小尺寸时候产生混淆的方法。 更详细进入...
    The Egyptian authorities claimed that he was passing state secrets to Israel by soaking women's underwear in invisible ink.

    中文: 埃及当局称,他通过用隐形墨水浸泡女士内衣的方式来向以色列传递国家机密。 更详细进入...
    Please enter the token name you used when creating CSR for this certificate.

    中文: 程序档会让您输入凭证档案名称、凭证名称和记号名称。 更详细进入...
    Israel withdrew from Lebanon six years ago but Hizbullah, like its Iranian sponsor, claims to seek Israel's complete destruction and seizes every pretext to fight on.

    中文: 六年前以色列撤出黎巴嫩,但真主党,像支持他的伊朗人一样,声称要完全摧毁以色列并抓住每一次与之战斗的借口。 更详细进入...
    The son picked up the ax and took it into town to a goldsmith, who tested it, weighed it, and then said, It is worth four hundred talers.

    中文: 儿子拿着斧子来到城里的一家金店,金匠验了斧头的成色,放在秤上称了称,说道:「这把斧头值四百个银币,可我手里没有这么多的现金。」 更详细进入...
    Constructed of white-gray sandstone, the presidential mansion was called the White House as early as 1809.

    中文: 因为全是由白灰色的砂石所建造,早在1809年的时候,总统官邸就已经被称为「白宫」。 更详细进入...
    The Israel Defence Forces said the air raid was aimed at disrupting the shipment of weapons to Hizbollah guerrillas from Syria and Iran.

    中文: 以色列国防军称空袭是为了切断从叙利亚和伊朗境内向真主党武装海运武器。 更详细进入...
    The name attribute is used to create a named anchor.

    中文: 名称属性给连接添加了名称。 更详细进入...
    A general term for any name below the rank of species. The term includes subspecific and infrasubspecific names.

    中文: 一个普通术语,指称种级以下的任何名称。此术语涵盖亚种名称和亚种下的名称。 更详细进入...
    The larvae, also called \'white grubs\', are greyish-white to bluish-white in color, C-shaped, and also feed on decaying organic matter, such as tree stumps, and the roots of plants.

    中文: 也称为‘白幼虫\',是灰白至蓝白色,C形,以腐烂的有机物为食,例如树桩和植物的根。 更详细进入...
    In light of different traditional ethics, this paper studies different appellation in English and Chinese concerning names, kinship, honorific and modest styles of appellation in social communications.

    中文: 笔者透过中西方传统伦理观念的差异来探讨英汉姓名称谓语、亲属称谓以及社交称谓中的敬称和谦称的差异。 更详细进入...
    The African wild dog, also called Cape hunting dog or painted dog, typically roams the open plains and sparse woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa.

    中文: 非洲野狗又称猎狗或彩色狗,通常出没在撒哈拉以南非洲的开阔平原或稀疏林地. 更详细进入...
    The Cuisine data includes names, detailed address for dining, characteristic introductions, consumption level and other service introductions.

    中文: 各地美食资料包括美食名称,用餐详细地址,特色介绍,消费水平及其它服务介绍等. 更详细进入...
    By using two kinds of affine representations of Lie color algebras and the first cohomology group, we obtain some necessary or sufficient conditions to the problem whether there is any left color sysmmetric structure on a given Lie color algebra which gen

    中文: 利用着色李超代数的两种仿射表示和1-上同调群,得出左着色对称结构存在的几个充分或必要条件,推广了文[2]的结论。 更详细进入...

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