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The scientific name of a taxon at any rank above the species group consists of one name; that of a species, two names (a binomen); and that of a subspecies, three names (a trinomen) [Arts. 4 and 5].

The scientific explanation is the hot thermal places that lie under the mount provoke the calcium carbonate spill, that makes the forms as solid as travertino marble. 科学研究理论﹐是地底的高温处使碳酸钙涌出﹐顺著岩丘边缘下泻﹐侵蚀及沉淀作用形成一层层的坚硬石岩。
The scientific interpretation of the SPIN -- in so far as there is one -- is presumably held in common by educated people all over the world. 「时间迴旋」的科学诠释──到目前就这麽一种──在故事中预设只要是有识之士,不管身处于世界上的哪个角落,都能秉持这样的观点。
The scientific management approach was built upon in later years and resulted in a mechanistic approach that calls for the job to be designed very simply. 科学管理方法的地位在随后的若干年中得到进一步确立,由此产生了一种职位设计简单的机械型职位设计方法.
The scientific name for this phenomenon is the Tyndall effect, more commonly known as Rayleigh scattering. 这种现象的科学名称为泰多尔效应,更普遍的称之为雷莱散射。
The scientific name is Porsign (porcine) reproductive and resprotory semdron (respiratory syndrome). 此病学名是猪的繁殖和呼吸综合症。
The scientific name of a taxon at any rank above the species group consists of one name; that of a species, two names (a binomen); and that of a subspecies, three names (a trinomen) [Arts. 4 and 5]. 在种群以上的任何分类层级,其学名由一个名称构成;一个种的名称,由两个名称构成(二名式名称);一个亚种的名称,由三个名称构成(三名式名称)[第4条和第5条]。
The scientific name of a taxon at the rank of tribe. Such names have the suffix -INI. 一个族级分类单元的学名,这类名称具有一INI字尾。
The scientific name of an animal taxon in binominal nomenclature. 即在二名式命名法中的一个动物分类单元的学名。
The scientific planting and development of cassia seed will bring all human beings huge benefits. 三、决明子的科学种植和开发,将给全人类带来巨大效益。
The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post. 必须把滥竽充数的科研人员调到其他工作岗位上去。
The scientific revolution that began 300 years ago has accelerated exponentially. 始于300年前的科学革命已呈指数倍的增长速度加速发展。

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