The Buddha answered, I am not in the least bit sorry. My mission is to save all living things. What difference does a bit of flesh off my arm make?
中文: 佛陀回答道:“一点也不。我的使命就是要拯救所有的生灵。我的手上少了一点肉,又有什么关系呢?” 更详细进入...
Impacts of Arnold Arboretum in Harvard University to Early Development of Botany in China
中文: 哈佛大学阿诺德树木园对我国植物学早期发展的影响 更详细进入...
Arjuna said: O Krsna, what of those who transgress the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures; but perform sacrifices possessing faith?
中文: 阿诸那说:奎师那啊,那些违反《呋陀》经的典律,仅凭自己的臆想而去祭拜的人会怎样? 更详细进入...
The renovation consists of converting the two ground floor units into one, and turning it into a retail outlet (Dzambala Mystical Treasures) and a Dzambala Chapel in the frontage; with a Setrap retreat room and a sizeable activity hall (Buddha Oasis) at t
中文: 装修工作包括将两个单位底层结合为一,继而将前部分成为一间佛教文物商店(藏巴拉神秘宝藏文物中心)及藏巴拉佛堂;金甲衣护法神闭关室和未来进行各种活动的大堂(佛陀绿洲)在后部分。 更详细进入...
The birth and founding of Buddhism is Buddha's teachings after he comprehended the truth about the universe and life, As early as it was born and founded, the meanings of Buddhism were already well rounded, its thoughts already established, its theories c
中文: 由于佛教的产生与成立,是佛陀对于宇宙人生的真理之智觉完成后的教示,故它的香生之初、成立之始,法义就已经圆满,思想就已经确立,理论就已经完备,是非就已经定案;是故它并不是佛陀的成长过程之记录,也不是释迦牟尼佛一生的思想发展演变过程之记载,更不是某种宗教思想理论的发展过程或是其部份。 更详细进入...
At fourteen, he went to Lhasa and studied under masters and scholars of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
中文: 十四岁时,他到拉萨许多上师和阿闍黎座下学习藏传佛法。 更详细进入...
The Greek word aphrosmeans foambecause she was born from sea foam.
中文: “阿佛洛”在希腊语中意为“泡沫”,因为她诞生于大海的泡沫中。 更详细进入...
Artemis helped him as well by lending him her polished shield.
中文: 同样地,阿耳特弥斯(月神与狩猎女神)也通过把擦亮的盾牌借给他来帮助他。 更详细进入...
The agent of Empoli midfielder Sergio Almiron says Fiorentina and Juventus are going head-to-head for the Argentine.
中文: 恩波利中场塞尔吉奥·阿尔米隆的经纪人说,佛罗伦萨和尤文图斯都在竞购这名阿根廷人。 更详细进入...
All the buddhas,masters,and prophets are the emanations of this truth,appearing in countless skillful,compassionate guises in order to guide us,through their teachings,back to our true nature.
中文: 佛陀、上师和先知都是真理的化身,示现无数方便法门和慈悲法相,引导我们以其法义,回归我们的真性。 更详细进入...
Buddha sat in serene and humble dignity on the ground,with the sky above him and around him,as if to show us that in meditation you sit with open,skylike attitude of mind,yet remain present,earthed,and grounded.
中文: 佛陀静默庄严地禅坐着,天空在他的四周上方,好像告诉我们:禅坐时心要像天空一样开放,但要稳如泰山。 更详细进入...
The Buddha insists that this level is indescribable, even in terms of existence or nonexistence, because words work only for things that have limits.
中文: 佛陀坚持说,这后一个层次是不可描述的,即便以存在与非存在角度也不可能,因为言辞只适于有限事物。 更详细进入...
As the Buddha pointed out, a brahman could be a superior person not because he came out of a brahman womb, but only if he acted with truly skillful intentions.
中文: 如佛陀指出,一位婆罗门之能成爲精英,非因他生于婆罗门之家,而只有当他真正以善巧动机行事之时。 更详细进入...
Therefore, one who participates in this meritorious deed, will no doubt, get protection, prosperity, happiness and finally, they may get rid of their suffering forever.
中文: 因此凡是参予这项义举的无疑地将种下善因,能够获得佛陀的庇护,事业成功兴旺,快乐,并能离苦得乐。 更详细进入...
Tantra in both Hinduism and Buddhism, esoteric tradition of ritual and yoga known for elaborate use of mantra, or symbolic speech, and mandala, or symbolic diagrams; the importance of female deities, or Shakti; cremation-ground practices such as meditatio
中文: 印度教和佛教都有坦陀罗,通过深奥的传统仪式和瑜伽由详细阐述的咒语,或者象征语言和坛城,或者象征图象,女性神性的重要性,火葬场面的实践,比如说对尸体的冥想,以及更多……印度教比佛教有更多坦陀罗,典礼使用的酒、肉和性交而得之。 更详细进入...
Study on photosynthetic characteristics of Datura stramonium
中文: 曼陀罗光合特性研究 更详细进入...
He who denies all confesses all.
中文: 欲盖弥彰. 更详细进入...
Venezuelan devil dancers listen the mass outside of the church in San Francisco de Yare Venezuela Thursday. The dance symbolizes the eternal struggle between good and evil.
中文: 委内瑞拉的恶魔舞者周四在圣佛南多的一座教堂外聆听弥撒,这场舞蹈象征善与恶间永恒的搏斗。 更详细进入...
This paper, based on an analysis of his writings, shows that beyond the style of satire and criticism Shi Tuo's writings overflow with homesickness and great concern for people's life.
中文: 而在批判和讽刺之上,师陀的创作有更基本的维度,这就是弥漫在作品中的绵绵不绝的乡愁,以及由之对时间之流中生命的关怀。 更详细进入...
The coming also signifies the end of the middle time in which humans currently reside (characterized as a low point of human existence between the Gautama Buddha and Maitreya).
中文: 来临也意味着人类当前居住的中间时间终结(描绘为乔达摩佛和弥勒之间的人类存在物的消沉点)。 更详细进入...