Venezuela is the first South American country to declare independence from Spain.
1811年的今天,委内瑞拉成为南美第一个宣布脱离西班牙独立的国家。 |
Venezuela sits astride the largest oil reserves outside of the Middle East and the oil industry is the motor of the economy and the source of most of the government's revenue.
委内瑞拉是继中东以外最大的石油储备国,石油工业是经济发展动力也是政府的主要财政来源。 |
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez received the biggest round of applause in the assembly hall Thursday when he scolded the United States.
委内瑞拉总统查维斯星期四在峰会上严厉指责美国,博得最热烈的掌声。 |
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez holds a globe in a class room in Maturin September 17, 2007.
委内瑞拉总统查维兹视察马图林的一间小学教室,手持地球仪与学生交流。 |
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday that his country and Colombia decided to turn a new page by leaving behind the diplomatic crisis originated by the capture of a Colombian rebel leader.
委内瑞拉总统查韦斯和来访的哥伦比亚总统乌里韦15日在加拉加斯举行会谈后发表联合公报说,双方决定解决两国之间的外交危机,实现两国关系完全正常化。 |
Venezuelan devil dancers listen the mass outside of the church in San Francisco de Yare Venezuela Thursday. The dance symbolizes the eternal struggle between good and evil.
委内瑞拉的恶魔舞者周四在圣佛南多的一座教堂外聆听弥撒,这场舞蹈象征善与恶间永恒的搏斗。 |
Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has been using oil revenues in an effort to build a following throughout the hemisphere.
委内瑞拉总统查韦斯一直在利用石油收入,试图在整个南半球争取对他的支持。 |
Venezuelan spokesman Andres Izarra announces to journalists in Caracas Febru-ary 3, 2005, that Colombia's President Alvaro Uribe can-celled his trip to Venezuela today.
哥伦比亚总统府新闻发言人3日称,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦原定3日对委内瑞拉的访问延期。 |
Vengeance: Seal of Command critical hits can now trigger this ability.
复仇:命令圣印的暴击将触发该技能。 |
Venice is losing each year by the fraction of a millimetre—negligible for now, but dangerous in a century.
威尼斯每年下陷几分之一毫米,目前看来不足介意,百年却是祸患。 |
Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.
威尼斯是世界上令人向往的旅游胜地之一。 |