When he was at least one hundred yards away from the nearest hyena he charged, and he kept going for a good two hundred yards ?
中文: 我们看见一头长满黑色鬃毛的雄狮正在向我们徘徊过来,后面跟着一群豺。 更详细进入...
But I with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
中文: 可是我步履沉重,神情哀伤,在船长躺卧的甲板上徘徊。他已倒下死去,全身冰凉。 更详细进入...
Our survey shows that CE Tung Chee-hwa’s popularity rating has been fluctuating between 48 and 50 marks in the last two months, without any significant breakthrough.
中文: 04特首董建华的民望评分在过去两个月来,都是在48至50分之间徘徊,未有突破。 更详细进入...
Whoever has no house now will establish none,whoever lives alone now will live on long alone.Will waken,read,and write long letters,wander up and down the barren paths .The parks expose when the leaves are blown. by Rainer Marie Rilke.
中文: 谁此时没有房子,就不必建造;谁此时孤独,就永远孤独.就醒来,读书,写长长的信.在林荫路上不停地徘徊.落叶纷飞.<秋日>里克尔. 更详细进入...
Deadly Poison V - The charges were inadvertently not increased with the new rank of the ability. Increased from 105 to 120 charges.
中文: 致命毒药V-该毒药不会随等级与能力的提升而得到提高。药效伤害徘徊于105~120之间。 更详细进入...
They may have strange and terrifying dreams, wander alone in hopeless reverie for hours at a time or have trouble relating to people around them.
中文: 他们总会有奇怪而恐怖的梦境;在绝望的幻觉中孤独地徘徊或者烦扰到周围的人们。 更详细进入...
Sales went down by 6000 units in November when the Christmas orders stopped. They stayed at 7000 until the end of the year.
中文: 当圣诞节订单一停下来,11月的销售量就下滑到六千件。年末,销售量一直徘徊在七千件。 更详细进入...
That is when I decided that I do not wish to live my life constantly thinking about the market, being on edge trying not to make mistakes.
中文: 所以我决定了我不想过这种成天想着市场的日子,永远在犯错和不犯错的边缘上徘徊。 更详细进入...
She can run, walk and even wave to you when she comes near to you.
中文: 她毫无目的地的在这市镇里徘徊,看似白痴;但她能走和跑,甚至在靠近您时向您挥手问候呢! 更详细进入...
Mango is very lazy and he just gets a tan all day everyday. Guava likes to hang out in the water near the filter. They really like their routines.
中文: 芒果超懒每天只会躺在台子上晒太阳。芭乐喜欢在过滤器附近徘徊。每天都一样,日子真好过呢! 更详细进入...
Reportedly, Leonardo spend much time wandering through jails with Milanese criminals to locate the an appropriate Judas (fourth figure from left of painting).
中文: 据传闻,他花了很多时间徘徊在米兰监狱中观察罪犯以描绘门徒犹大(画面中左边数来第四个人物)。 更详细进入...
This could force the economy into a “hard landing” (in China this could mean growth of around 6% a year, compared with more than 9% at present).
中文: 这将迫使经济硬着陆(相对于当前9%的增长率来说,硬着陆将意味着中国经济年增长率徘徊在6%)。 更详细进入...
With the essence of the so-called form can be solved, if you are still unable to solve the puzzle themselves, Note you are still hesitating form.
中文: 拥有了本质,所谓的形式就会迎刃而解,如果你还存在自己无法解决的困惑,说明你还在形式中徘徊。 更详细进入...
About 1 hour later Bush sees his driver staggering back to the car with a bottle of wine in one hand, a cigar in the other and his clothes all ripped and torn.
中文: 大约一个小时后布什看到司机散乱的徘徊在回到小汽车的路上,一只手里拎着一瓶葡萄酒,另一只手则拿着雪茄,他的衣服上面到处都是裂缝和破洞。 更详细进入...
But for a long time, Can-xue always wanders up and down outside the vision of art criticism, the study on its works also gets deeply stuck in the elucidatory mire for a time not to free itself.
中文: 但长期以来,残雪总是徘徊在文艺批评视的边缘,对其作品的研究亦一度深陷阐释的泥潭而无以自拔。 更详细进入...
We were fluttering, wandering, longing creatures a thousand thousand years before the sea and the wind in the forest gave us words.
中文: 在海洋和森林中的风声赋予我们语言之前的千万年间,我们是在漂泊、徘徊、孜孜不倦地追求着的一群生物。 更详细进入...
Three axes D.R.O. dose loop system detection ensure superior feed accuracy.
中文: 三轴光学尺闭徊路系统监视功能,确保位移摇动精度。 更详细进入...
This will trigger a gate of teleportation to open at the location of every player, that has registered, allowing for everyone to arrive together and at the same time without having to waste time traveling or standing around.
中文: 这可以触发一个传送门并向该位置的注册玩家开放,使他们同时到达,而无须浪费时间奔走或者在战斗区外徘徊。 更详细进入...
As the years passed, other occasions - birthdays, recitals, awards, graduations - were marked with Dad's flowers. My emotions continued to seesaw between pleasure and embarrassment.
中文: 在以后的岁月里,生日、演出、得奖、毕业等等其他场合无不有老爸送的花作为印记。我的心情也总是在快乐和尴尬间徘徊。 更详细进入...
However, wake them up and they will start wandering, potentially running into and blowing up an unwanted enemy or a rouge underwater fan standing between you and the exit to the level.
中文: 但是,叫醒他们和他们水下球迷站在你和对水平的退场之间,将开始徘徊,潜在遇到和炸掉一个不需要的敌人或者胭脂。 更详细进入...