Our sun is in its first stage of evolution.
我们的太阳在进化上的第一个台阶。 |
Our suppliers have removed to Bath.
我们的供应厂商已迁往巴斯. |
Our suppositions were fully confirmed.
我们猜测的事实已全部证实。 |
Our surplus has swelled by nearly ten percent in this quarter.
我们的盈馀在这一季增加了将近百分之十。 |
Our survey conducted during the LegCo election shows that Tung Chee-hwa’s popularity has continued, but apparently slowed down, its upward trend since mid-May.
04调查在立法会选举期间进行,董建华的民望继续从5月中的低位反覆上升,但升势有放缓的迹象。 |
Our survey shows that CE Tung Chee-hwa’s popularity rating has been fluctuating between 48 and 50 marks in the last two months, without any significant breakthrough.
04特首董建华的民望评分在过去两个月来,都是在48至50分之间徘徊,未有突破。 |
Our survey shows that CE Tung Chee-hwa’s popularity rating has been fluctuating between 48 and 50 marks since September this year, without any breakthrough.
04特首董建华的民望评分自9月起便在48至50分之间徘徊,未有突破。 |
Our survey was conducted before rumours spread that Tung Chee-hwa would resign from his post as Chief Executive after becoming a vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
05最近有消息传出董建华在出任全国政协副主席后会辞职,若果属实,将肯定会改变不少巿民对中央政府的观感。 |
Our surveyors stated that it was the inferior material used that caused the quality deterioration.
我方检验人员认为,劣制的原料是商品变质的原因。 |
Our survival depends entirely upon our cooperation.
我们的生存完全要看我们的合作而定。 |
Our survival depends on delivering superior service to customers. We prove that Open Source and Professionalism do rhyme.
我们的生存依赖于为用户提供高级的服务.我们证明开源和专家主义可以和谐发展. |